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In Ying Yi's two lifetimes, this was the first time his heartbeat was so fast.

He didn't know what was going on with him. When he said the word "like", he felt his heart jump into his throat. He felt ashamed and uneasy, and even his toes couldn't help but curl up.

Gu Tingshen will naturally not miss these subtle changes that have happened to him.

Perhaps he has not realized that if he had been in the past, he would not have such a strong reaction when faced with the same problem.

Ying Yi used to be more like a heartless and ruthless blade. Even when facing Gu Tingshen, he only had loyalty.

But now, he gradually has richer emotions and expressions, has his own joys and sorrows, has what he really wants to do, and is becoming more and more like a real person with flesh and blood.

Although this change happened slowly and even stagnated for a time, Gu Tingshen was still very satisfied.

He liked to see Yingyi showing different expressions in front of him.

Because of this, Gu Tingshen often deliberately bullies Ying Yi.

Such as now.

Although Ying Yi was blushing all over, Gu Tingshen still didn't let him go. He only raised his eyebrows slightly, leaned forward and asked him, "What did you say?" "The voice was too soft, I

didn't hear it clearly."

His voice was clear. He was very gentle, with a little smile in his eyes, but Ying Yi just felt like he was suffocating.

Although he had vaguely realized that his master was deliberately teasing him, but inexplicably, when he thought of saying those two words to his master, Ying Yi felt as if his throat was choking.

But in the end, Ying Yi took a deep breath and tried to say that sentence clearly.

He raised his head slightly and looked at his master who was looking down at him like a god.

When he saw Gu Tingshen's delicate and beautiful face, which was as exquisite as an immortal, Ying Yi's eyes suddenly turned red.

He solemnly and seriously said to Gu Tingshen, "I like it, I like my master very much."

When the words fell, Yingyi quickly lowered his eyes, fearing that the warmth in his eyes would roll away.

How could you not like it?

Shadow thought.

Ying Yi has recognized his master since the first time he met him in his previous life.

This identification does not mean what he wants to do with his master, because he knows that he is not worthy.

He just likes and appreciates his master very much. He thinks his master is the most beautiful person in the world and wants to get closer to him and get closer to him.

That's why he kept working so hard and tried his best to come to his master's side.

Sensing that Ying Yi's mood was not right, Gu Tingshen suppressed the smile on his face slightly, lay back next to Ying Yi, took his little shadow guard, whose eyes suddenly turned red, into his arms, and touched his head comfortingly.

Gu Tingshen didn't know what Ying Yi was thinking, but he could feel the deep emotion in Ying Yi's words.

Gu Tingshen had always known that Yingyi had an unusual relationship with him, and was even loyal to the point of paranoia.

Although the shadow guards had their own brainwashing methods and it was normal for them to be loyal to their masters, only Ying Yi, Gu Ting knew deeply that he was different from other shadow guards.

Beautiful Alpha and His Shadow Guard BetaWhere stories live. Discover now