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Ying Yi's lips were thin and fleshy. Although they were slightly dry, it did not affect Gu Tingshen's interest.

He opened his mouth and bit Ying Yi's lip, slowly tearing and grinding it, like a lazy beast teasing its poor prey.

Ying's whole body froze.

In two lifetimes, this is the first time Ying Yi has been so close to someone.

Especially this person is the master.

They were so close that Yingyi couldn't see Gu Tingshen's face clearly.

He didn't dare to look either.

In fact, when his master came closer, Ying Yi actually wanted to retreat.

After all, how could someone as humble as him come into contact with his master?

But instinct told Ying Yi that he couldn't retreat now, otherwise his master would be unhappy.

...He can no longer make his master unhappy.

So in the end, Ying Yi could only lower his eyes hastily, subconsciously slow down his breathing, and obediently let Gu Tingshen wreak havoc on his lips.

Gu Ting looked at him with deep eyes.

Ying Yi has always been very obedient in front of him, even if he was treated unreasonably like now, he didn't resist at all.

There was no smell on his body, on his lips, or even in his breath that made Gu Tingshen feel unhappy. He should have taken a good bath and washed himself before coming here.

This person always seemed to be like this, even in such trivial matters. Never slack off, always follow Ting Shen's preferences and strictly demand yourself.

Whenever he notices this, Gu Tingshen will feel a subtle sense of satisfaction in his heart.

Because this was not something he deliberately asked for, but something Ying Yi took the initiative and insisted on doing.

Slowly rubbing Ying Yi's chin with his fingers, Gu Tingshen carefully looked at the young man with a low eyebrow in front of him.

Although Ying Yi was very obedient in front of him, Gu Tingshen always knew what a fierce and powerful man he was.

But perhaps because of this, every time Ying Yi knelt so obediently in front of him, looking up at him with red eyes, humbly and forbearingly begging to stay by his side, a dark and violent feeling would grow in Gu Tingshen's heart. I

wanted to bully this person even more fiercely until he actually cried.

After cutting through the thoughts hidden deep in his heart layer by layer, Gu Tingshen paused for a moment before letting go of Ying Yi's lips, standing up straight, holding Ying Yi's chin, and continued to look at him condescendingly.

He showed no mercy just now, so there were obvious marks on Ying Yi's lips from his bite.

Ying Yi's lips were darker and darker, and Gu Tingshen almost never noticed his lips.

But because of his bite just now, the thin lips have now become very moist, bright red and swollen, showing the lust after being severely abused.

Gu Tingshen's Adam's apple rolled slightly, and his eyes darkened.

But even at this moment, Gu Tingshen was still in a clear mind, knowing that he didn't actually have many charming thoughts about Ying Yi now.

Even the kiss just now was completely the product of impulse.

However, he doesn't hate it either.

He looked at Ying Yi thoughtfully, and slowly rubbed his thumb on Ying Yi's lower lip.

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