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The names of the two children, Gu Tingshen and Yingyi, had been chosen a few months ago.

As the older brother, Alpha will inherit the Gu family in the future, so he takes the name Gu Nian after Gu Tingshen.

The younger brother ba followed Ying Yi's surname and was named Wei Yan.

Soon after Ying Yi woke up, he wanted to see the children, so Liu Si and the nanny quickly sent the children over.

Ying Yi still had a wound on his abdomen, so Gu Tingshen, under Liu Si's guidance, held the two children in his arms, one on the left and the other at the same time, to show Ying Yi.

"They are so small," Yingyi looked at the sleeping baby in the swaddling clothes and whispered to Gu Tingshen, "...and a little ugly." Hearing this, Gu Tingshen nodded in agreement, looking down at the two

red wrinkled babies. Baba's little guy said with a bit of disdain, "It's really ugly, like a monkey."

Hearing this, Liu Si had a dark look on his face and said quickly, "Newborn children are like this, and they will be fine after a few days. "

Gu Tingshen and Ying Yi looked at him at the same time, as if doubting his words.

Seeing this, Liu Si rolled his eyes helplessly, pointed at Gu Tingshen and said to Ying, "When he was just born, he was not as good-looking as these two babies."

Ying looked at the child, then at Gu Tingshen in Zhilan Yushu, It was completely unimaginable that the master could be like this bare-skinned monkey, so he suddenly burst into laughter.

This smile immediately affected the wound on his abdomen, and the laughter immediately stopped.

Seeing this, Gu Tingshen quickly handed the child to Liu Si and the nanny and asked them to take it away.

Ying Yi immediately held his hand and looked at the child helplessly, "I...I don't feel any pain anymore, just leave the child here."

The most pregnant woman in the world.

Seeing that he was in good spirits, Gu Tingshen tucked him in and told him not to touch the wound again.

Afterwards, he finally followed Ying Yi's wishes and left the two children behind.

Because they are twins, although the two children are in good health, they are smaller than the average full-term child.

Now lying neatly between Ying Yi and Gu Tingshen, Ying Yi felt soft in his heart and felt very incredible.

"...How can I hold two such big children in my belly?"

Gu Tingshen actually thought it was amazing, but he couldn't help teasing Ying Yi and said with a smile, "The general can run horses in his belly, and horses can run Of course, the child is not a problem either."

Ying Yi knew that he was talking about the protagonist general in "The King's Side". Hearing this, he was almost amused by Gu Tingshen again, and hurriedly pursed his lips and said, "...don't tease me. ."

Seeing this, Gu Tingshen immediately put his finger to his lips, "It's my husband's fault."

After saying that, he stopped teasing Ying Yi and looked at the two children with Ying Yi.

Liu Si really didn't lie to them. Within a few days, the two children transformed from wrinkled little monkeys into Yuxue's cute little fairy children. Their skin was so white that it almost glowed, and they were as soft as marshmallows.

"Fortunately, they look like you."

When the couple was holding one child and feeding the child, Ying Yi looked at the exquisite little faces of the dolls, feeling curious and sighing.

Beautiful Alpha and His Shadow Guard BetaWhere stories live. Discover now