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  Chapter 75: Daily life of raising cubs (Part 2)

  After the two little ones tasted the sweetness, they didn't know when to stop. They were currently discussing how to keep their father tonight.

  As for sleeping with Gu Tingshen, because they knew that Gu Tingshen was severely mysophobic, and they hung out with cats all day long, and the bed would inevitably be stained with cat hair, they knew with their toes that Gu Tingshen would definitely not sleep with them.

  And they have not forgotten that last night it was because their father suspected that he had scared them, so he slept with them alone for the night.

  Because of this, the two little ones secretly discussed it and decided to continue to think of ways to keep their father in the photo studio tonight.

  Gu Tingshen:...

  Boy, is this a belated rebellious phase?

  In the first few years, I never saw these two brats being so noisy.

  Why do they want Yingyi to sleep with them after so long after weaning?

  Thinking that this change happened after Li Heng's family came to visit, Gu Tingshen quickly called up the surveillance video of yesterday when the three little children were alone, and immediately understood what the problem was.

  However, Gu Tingshen did not tell Ying Yi immediately, and even replaced the video.

  He actually wanted to see what Yingyi would do next.


  Ying Yi has been quite worried these days because the children were really clinging to him at night, but they didn't tell him what was wrong with them.

  He had also called up the surveillance video of the day Li Heng and the others arrived, but he did not find the culprit who frightened the two children.

  Gu Tingshen was also a little strange.

  If it had been in the past, Gu Tingshen would have been unhappy on the second day he stayed at Liuying Residence, but today was already the third day, and Gu Tingshen still watched him coming to Liuying Residence without changing his expression, and even warned him warmly. He sleeps well at night.

  Shadow 1:......

  Why do you feel something is wrong?

  Since being together with Gu Tingshen, except for filming on the set, Yingyi has never slept in a bed without Gu Tingshen for three consecutive days.

  Although the two children are his biological children, because Gu Tingshen is extremely possessive, Ying Yi's deep-rooted and almost instinctive vigilance can only be relieved when Gu Tingshen's pillow is next to her. So really speaking, in the past three days, Ying Yi has actually slept My health was not good, and I had to go back to the main hospital to catch up on half a day's sleep every day.

  It had only been three days since they slept together, but he already missed Gu Tingshen's warmth.

  The two children beside him were already fast asleep. After Ying Yi looked at the ceiling for a long time, he finally couldn't hold himself back and quietly climbed down between the two children and walked quietly to the main courtyard.

  It was already late at night, and Gu Tingshen should have gone to bed long ago.

  Although he knew it in his heart, Mr. Yingyi still wanted to go back and take a look.

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