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Anyone who knows a little bit about Gu Tingshen knows that his painting skills are extremely good, but he never paints portraits.

Therefore, the idea of ​​painting only came up for a moment, and then he threw it away without hesitation.

Ying Yi had the intuition and vigilance of a beast. Gu Tingshen's eyes only stayed on him for a few breaths. The sleeping man suddenly opened his eyes and looked at Gu Tingshen like lightning.

After realizing that the person coming was Gu Tingshen, the sharp gaze instantly retracted. Its owner also slid off the recliner neatly and respectfully hugged Gu Tingshen, "Master."

What made Gu Tingshen interesting was that before getting up, Ying Yi almost instinctively picked up the black cat sleeping on his chest, and quickly put the little thing back on the recliner.

His movements were skillful and fast, and his movements were not large. He held the black cat firmly on his arm the whole time.

Because of this, the black cat was not disturbed too much until it was put into the soft recliner. It just lazily squinted its eyes and fell asleep again, half asleep.

The newly added [Cat Feeding Specialization] in Yingyi's skill bar suddenly appeared in his mind. Gu Tingshen chuckled, then looked at the black fur ball sleeping soundly on the recliner, and motioned for Yingyi to follow him to the room to talk.

After a while, in the living room of [Liu Ying Residence], Ying Yi calmly poured Gu Tingshen a cup of hot tea.

Gu Tingshen asked him while drinking tea, "How are you preparing everything?"

Ying Yi sat upright opposite him and replied seriously, "Mr. Li only asked me to bring some changes of clothes, and my subordinates are ready."

Gu Tingshen reminded him, "You can also bring your mobile phone, tablet, and notebook."

Although Li Heng said that there is no signal on the mountain, and these things are of little use, Yingyi still has a lot of video courses to learn, and the teachers have already recorded and played them for him in advance, so he must bring electronic equipment. .

When Ying Yi heard this, his eyes lit up - he really thought he couldn't take these with him before.

After chatting, Gu Tingshen quickly handed over the information he brought to Ying Yi.

As soon as Ying opened it, he took a closer look.

This is the information of several amateurs like him who will join the crew of "Ask the Immortal" for training.

There are two names among them, Ying Yi has already heard of them.

One is Song Tian, ​​the young master of the Song family.

It has been more than three months since they arrived in Jingyuan, and Yingyi and Gu Tingshen are no longer as clueless as they were at first.

So he knew that as the master of Alpha in this life, he had always been wary of and repelled the approach of Omega, and he hated the passive estrus caused by Omega.

And this Song Tian happened to be the culprit who caused his master to fall into estrus three months ago.

When Ying Yi heard the term "passive estrus" for the first time, he couldn't understand it at all - in his inherent knowledge, "estrus" only happened to animals and had nothing to do with people.

It wasn't until he learned a lot about ABO physiology and fully understood what kind of magical humans Alpha and Omega were that Ying Yi understood what kind of suffering he had experienced as Alpha's master.

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