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Although Gu Tingshen and Ying Yi were sitting in the corner and did not deliberately attract attention, Gu Tingshen was the center of attention wherever he was. Therefore, when Meng Guo went to get Ying Yi's autograph just now, many people noticed it.

Later, the scene of Yingyi feeding Gu Tingshen grapes and Gu Tingshen laughing in his ear made many people jealous and unwilling.

"He's just an ordinary guy! Why?!"

"Why? Just because he can make Gu Tianxian laugh."

"In the past few years, Gu Tianxian didn't laugh as many times as he does today. Right?"

"This Wei Ying is quite capable."

"Meng Guo just asked Wei Ying for his autograph, right? Should we try it too? Maybe we can talk to Gu Tianxian." "

We can try it. "

Then let's go!"

Similar conversations continued throughout the banquet hall. For a time, the entire banquet hall was filled with an aura of imminence.

Gu Tingshen and Yingyi were both very sensitive to the outside world's gaze and noticed it almost immediately.

Gu Tingshen was always intolerant of dealing with irrelevant people. When he saw this, he immediately got up and planned to leave with Yingyi.

"Today is Mr. Gu's birthday party. Are you planning to leave after the third young master has only been here for a while?"

It was a male voice with a strange rhythm. Both Gu Tingshen and Ying Yi had heard his voice.

But in the past, all they heard was Ying Wen.

This time, this person spoke Xia Guohua, which was not very standard.

Gu Tingshen and Ying Yi looked at the man at the same time.

It was a petite Omega with blond hair and blue eyes, delicate and beautiful appearance, and milky white skin, like a little angel.

However, his expression has nothing to do with an angel, but rather like a charming little devil.

Gu Tingshen had seen him in the system projection more than once. He

was the Henry who wiped his nosebleed on Ying Yi's pants at the Maple Leaf Airport.

He also played the role of a hostage on the set of "Blade", and he often took the opportunity to eat Yingyi's tofu during filming.

Later, if Ying Yi had not made a decisive decision and took out the aromatherapy bottle given by Gu Tingshen, the Omega might have continued to pester Ying Yi.

When he thought of this, Gu Tingshen's eyes turned dim when he looked at the Omega.

Especially, Henry is standing with Gu Guangzong at the moment.

As we all know, the relationship between Gu Tingshen and Gu Guangzong can only be described as incompatible.

In the past, even at Mr. Gu's birthday party, these two people would not say a word, let alone take the initiative to find each other.

But now, Gu Guangzong took the initiative to find Gu Tingshen.

Gu Guangzong is a lunatic with an eccentric temper, and almost no one in the upper echelons of Yuncheng knows this.

Because of this, when they first saw Gu Guangzong coming forward, everyone immediately suppressed their desire to chat with Gu Tingshen and instead started to wait and see.

Henry is an omega.

Although he had blatantly seduced Ying Yi when he was on the set, the first time he saw him, Ying Yi reflexively blocked Gu Tingshen.

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