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The end of June is Mr. Gu’s birthday.

Because he was raised by Mr. Gu for a period of time when he was young, Gu Tingshen respected and appreciated the old man very much.

Because of this, although he has no feelings for the rest of the Gu family, Gu Tingshen will still attend the old man's birthday banquet on time every year when he is born.

Different from previous years, Gu Tingshen brought Ying with him to the banquet this year.

When they arrived at the Gu family's old house in Yunlu Mountain, the mountain was already brightly lit.

The housekeeper of the old house came to welcome Gu Tingshen in person.

At first, when he saw Ying Yi behind Gu Tingshen, the housekeeper thought he was Gu Tingshen's bodyguard.

But in the past, when Gu Tingshen entered his home, his bodyguards would always stay outside, but this time this person was always following Gu Tingshen.

Upon closer inspection, the housekeeper discovered that the man's black suit was the same style as Gu Tingshen's. He was shocked

that in all these years, the Third Young Master had never brought anyone back to his home!

Is this because his old eyesight is dim, or has this seemingly ordinary thing really caught the eyes of the Third Young Master? !

Unlike the housekeeper, Mr. Gu was very calm when he saw Gu Tingshen's figure behind him.

To be precise, he didn't care about Ying Yi's existence at all, and only had a few homely conversations with Gu Tingshen.

Gu Tingshen could see that the old man was not satisfied with Ying Yi.

But Gu Tingshen always knew what he wanted.

Although he respected the old man, he would not let the other party reach into his backyard, so he did not care about the old man's attitude.

He gave the old man a birthday gift and said a few birthday wishes, and it was almost time for the banquet.

The old man still needed to make some preparations before the banquet, so Gu Tingshen took Ying Yi to the banquet hall first.

When he arrived at the banquet hall, Gu Tingshen suddenly stopped as he entered the door.

Ying, who was walking half a step behind him, immediately looked up when he saw this.

Seeing this, Ying Yi felt a chill in his heart and quickly stepped forward to block Gu Tingshen

. How could there be so many omegas at today's birthday banquet? !

Gu Tingshen, the third young man of the Gu family, has always been respectful to Omega. This is something that everyone in the upper class knows.

The reason is that the flower of the high mountain is so attractive that several Omegas once used pheromones to seduce him.

After that, the upper echelons of Yuncheng rarely saw Gu Tingshen attending banquets.

Occasionally I see him attending banquets, and they only go to banquets without omegas.

However, there are two activities that Gu Tingshen will definitely participate in.

One is the Gu family's ancestor worship event every year during the Chinese New Year, and the other is Mr. Gu's birthday banquet.

Naturally, outsiders cannot participate in the Gu family's ancestor worship, so the only chance to see Gu Tingshen is Mr. Gu's birthday party.

Because of this, every year during this time, Omegas from many aristocratic families in Yuncheng would try their best to ask their family members to take them to Mr. Gu's birthday banquet, just to catch a glimpse of Gu Tianxian from a distance.

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