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Ying Yi was awakened by the heat on his forehead.

Although he was still very sleepy, he opened his eyes immediately.

Gu Tingshen originally wanted to see if he had a fever, but now that he was awake and thinking that Ying Yi had not eaten for most of the day, he quickly stood up from the bed and gently stroked his head, "Get up and eat something." Something."

Similar conversations have happened more than once in the past three days, so Ying Yiyi paused, then immediately picked up the nightgown neatly folded aside and prepared to get up to eat.

However, as soon as his feet landed on the ground, there was a sudden pain in his waist that was so sore it felt like it was about to break.

Staggering on his feet, Ying Yi knelt down on the soft plush carpet.

With one move, his entire body was affected. This movement made Ying Yi's previously composure break down. Every part of his body seemed to be in rebellion. He was so sore that he couldn't stand up for a while.

Seeing this, Gu Tingshen immediately walked up to him and leaned over to help him up from the ground. There was a slight concern in his voice, "Since you feel uncomfortable, don't show off. The same goes for eating in bed." As he said that, Gu Tingshen was about to

take the Yingyi pressed back on the bed.

When Ying saw this, he immediately held his wrist, used his strength to stand up from the bed, and said hoarsely, "...Master, I'm fine." The master

has mysophobia and has strict rules. How could he be on the bed? Have a meal?

After getting up, Yingyi immediately let go of Gu Tingshen's hand.

After a while, Ying Yi had recovered a lot, so he walked towards the dining table as smoothly as possible.

Behind him, Gu Tingshen looked at him with a half-smile as he trudged forward, looking at the dots of marks on his calves exposed under his nightgown, his eyes darkening slightly.

Considering Ying Yi's recent situation, Gu Tingshen asked people to prepare easy-to-digest and nutritious meals for Ying Yi.

Ying Yi was really hungry, so even though he could barely sit down, he slowly finished most of the food on the table without changing his expression.

While eating, Yingyi did not forget to pay attention to Gu Tingshen.

Although Gu Tingshen has always lived in seclusion and lived in Jingyuan for most of the year, but even so, he rarely looks as "disheveled" at home as he did these days.

In the past few days, every time Yingyi woke up, all he saw was Gu Tingshen wearing a snow-white nightgown.

Such a master looks lazy and gentle, completely different from...

Shadow 1: ...

Ahem, how could he think of such a treasonous thing?

He secretly watched Gu Tingshen for a while, and gradually realized that the master barely moved his chopsticks.

Have you already eaten?

With this thought in his mind, Ying Yi raised his head and glanced at the clock.

The clock showed it was nine forty-five.

But because the floor-to-ceiling windows were blocked by thick curtains, no one could see out the window, so Yingyi couldn't tell whether it was day or night.

By this time, the master should have already eaten, and Ying Yi will no longer be troublesome.

And to be honest, he really doesn't have the energy to pick up food for his master right now, but he is more likely to spill the food on his master.

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