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After Gu Tingshen left, Ying Yi looked at Mao Mao, who was happily trampling the female nanny in his arms, and silently tapped its wet little nose, "Naughty." Of course, Ying Yi knew that he had neglected Mao Mao recently, but his master had

a mysophobia. Yingyi couldn't bring Maomao to his master, so he could only occasionally go back to [Liuying Residence] to play with Maomao for a while when his master was away.

It has snowed in Yuncheng for the past two days. Although it melted when it fell to the ground, the temperature was still a bit low. Gu Tingshen took more pictures when he was around.

Because of this, Yingyi hardly went back to the "Shadow Residence" in the past two days. Every time he only went back in a hurry to pour the cat food, clean up the cat's litter box, and give himself a bath, he had to rush back to the next door.


As if aware of Ying Yi's guilt and distress, Maomao rolled in his arms cutely, and even climbed up to Ying Yi's neck and licked it.

Ying Yi: ...

goosebumps all over his body instantly stood up. Ying Yi immediately picked it up in his arms, patted its little butt, and took the little guy back to the [Photography Residence].

He played with Mao Mao for a long time in [Photography Residence], until the little guy was finally satisfied and snored and fell asleep. Ying Yi hurriedly took a bath and changed clothes. After making sure that there was not a single cat hair on his body, he hurried Go back next door to clean up Gu Tingshen's house.

Gu Tingshen and Ying Yi's courtyards are usually taken care of by dedicated personnel, and there are very few times when they really need to do it themselves.

But since Gu Tingshen has spoken today and asked Ying Yi to "pack it up", it is naturally impossible for Ying Yi to fake it.

While Ying Yi was tidying up the house conscientiously, Gu Tingshen was sitting on the sofa in the study, thinking about life.

Maomao was given to Yingyi by him, and Gu Tingshen knew that Yingyi liked it very much.

Although Maomao would occasionally go to Gu Tingshen in the past, he was never as bold as today.

So, does the thing really resemble its owner?

Is it because he has been doting on Ying Yi so much lately that even Ying Yi’s pets have rebelled?

But Gu Tingshen was sure that Ying Yi was not relying on pampering.

Therefore, the problem really lies with Maomao himself and has nothing to do with Ying Yi.

Thinking of this, Gu Tingshen immediately turned on the system projection.

When he saw Ying Yizheng tidying up the mattress in his bedroom, Gu Tingshen's unhappiness dissipated a lot.

Just as he was thinking about how to punish Maomao, Gu Tingshen suddenly received a call from Li Heng.

Li Heng: "We have found Wei Ying in a script and hope he can star in it."

Gu Tingshen did not forget the "Actor Development Game". Hearing this, he paused and asked Li Heng to elaborate.

Li Heng explained to him in detail.

Recently, "Ask the Immortal" was submitted for review, and the extremely exciting fighting scenes in it are very eye-catching.

Although "Ask the Immortal" is a fairy-tale theme, the script is very down-to-earth and suitable for all ages. The core of the work is also positive. In addition, there has not been a film with such exciting fighting scenes in China for nearly 20 years. The investors It’s Li Heng, the big boss again, who is very likely to become a phenomenal Chinese style blockbuster.

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