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Gu Tingshen did not intend to tell Yingyi about the system.

Firstly, he still hasn't figured out the secret behind this system. Secondly, Gu Tingshen has never forgotten that the "Actor Development Game" has a time limit.

The time limit given by the system is ten years. If Yingyi fails to win the Best Actor Award within ten years, he will be "formatted" by the system and once again become the chaotic appearance he once was.

Gu Tingshen didn't want Ying Yi to have a psychological burden, so he just had to figure out a solution for this matter.

No matter what, he won't let Ying Yi change back to his former appearance.

Gu Tingshen knew Ying Yi very well. Although Ying Yi was born as a shadow guard, he was very affectionate. He would remember the kindness and gifts from others and find ways to repay them.

This can be seen from the film pair's attitude towards his fans.

But it is precisely because of this that Gu Tingshen is able to be good at tempting.

He said to Ying Yi warmly, "Since I can't let go of those fans, I'll continue acting as a feedback to everyone." "As for

wanting to stay with me..."

He rubbed Ying Yi's forehead affectionately. ,"Aren't you right by my side now?"

"...That's different." Ying Yi couldn't help but whisper.

Gu Tingshen laughed, deliberately misinterpreted his meaning, and asked him, "What's different? Do you still want to leave my side?"

Ying Yi:?

Yingdu was a little confused by his question. Just when he felt something was wrong and wanted to check it carefully, his lips were kissed gently by Gu Tingshen.

Yingyi couldn't think about anything anymore. He could only wrap his arms around Gu Tingshen's neck and immerse himself in this sweet kiss.


As soon as Ying became pregnant, the entire Jingyuan was on alert.

Not only are medical teams stationed 24 hours a day, but the food, clothing, housing and transportation have also become more rigorous and sophisticated than before.

Even the housekeeper Lao Wu couldn't help but come to ask Gu Tingshen if he wanted to prepare the baby's room now.

Preparation is definitely necessary, but this time Gu Tingshen did not make the decision on his own, but specifically asked Ying Yi.

Ying Yi discovered that since they got together, his master had asked him for his opinion more and more often, and he really treated him as an equal.

This made Ying Yi both emotional and moved. At the same time, he tried to get used to no longer treating Gu Tingshen as a superior god, and tried to treat Gu Tingshen with a normal heart.

Because he knew that what Gu Tingshen needed was not a yes-man who could only obey.

Ying Yi didn't want to disappoint him.

So now, Ying Yi is also learning to express his thoughts.

Regarding the baby's room, Yingyi really has some ideas of his own.

It's just that this kind of thinking would be very unruly in Dayan.

After he told Gu Tingshen his concerns, Gu Tingshen smiled and rubbed his head, "This is in our own home, there are so many messy rules." Yingyi also pursed his lips and smiled, and told Gu Tingshen, "I

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