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It’s no wonder that the makeup artist thought Ying Yi was bitten by a mosquito. In fact, Ying Yi’s appearance and personality were too cold and serious, and he was too serious. Therefore, the makeup artist didn’t think that way at first.

But as soon as he finished his exclamation, he saw Ying Yi taking off his sunglasses and mask.

When he saw Ying Yi's still slightly red eyes and lips, the makeup artist was so shocked that his pupils were shaking. He couldn't say a word. Oh my

god. Oh my god. Oh my god. Teacher Wei was bitten by a dog. ? ? ? !

How wild will the other half be? He actually tortured Teacher Wei like this!

Unlike the makeup artist who was shocked and speechless, Yingyi was very calm.

Ying Yi didn't think there was anything shameful about his appearance.

Moreover, he had also thought that given his master's character, since he could be released like this, it somewhat meant that the master did not mind and might even deliberately want others to see him like this.

Alphas after passive estrus seem to be particularly possessive.

This time there were a lot of Alphas in the crew, and it was not difficult for Yingyi to understand that the master was asserting his sovereignty.

Ying Yi didn't mind this at all.

The only thing that bothered him a little was that his current appearance would most likely affect his work these days.

Today is the first day for the actors to regroup. The director did not arrange any shooting tasks, but mainly took makeup photos for several actors.

When the makeup artist was fixing Ying Yi's hair, Ying Yi's assistant thoughtfully handed him an ice pack.

The assistant is a full-time nanny arranged by Gu Tingshen. Although Yingyi feels that he does not need to take care of himself, some trivial matters on the set still need to be handled by someone.

When Ying Yi took the ice pack, he was a little surprised. He didn't expect that the assistant had even prepared this thing.

The assistant told him in a low voice, "It was specifically ordered by sir."

Yingyi obediently began to apply ice packs to his eyes and lips.

While Ying Yi was applying ice, the makeup artist who had fixed his hair was staring at the large hickeys on his neck and behind his ears with a pained expression, wondering how to cover them.

At this moment, the dressing room door was suddenly pushed open from the outside.

It was a tall Alpha wearing a desert camouflage uniform, nearly 1.9 meters tall, with wheat-colored skin, handsome features, thick eyebrows and big eyes - it was Lei Xiao, the male protagonist of "Knives Out".

Lei Xiao has been practicing martial arts since he was a child, and has been participating in the filming of film and television dramas since he was very young. He is also a household name in Xia Kingdom, and is now the leader among young martial arts actors in Xia Kingdom.

In "Knives Out", Lei Xiao plays the role of the leader of the protagonist team, codenamed "Sharp Knife", a brave and resourceful veteran.

The character played by Ying Yi is just the opposite of him, codenamed "Stone". He is a high-powered soldier with a very similar personality to the original character. He is proficient in all hot and cold weapons. A typical person who is ruthless and doesn't talk much.

In the script, as the captain, "Jian Dao" is often out of tune, and the other team members have nothing to do with him. Only "Shi Shi" can stab him from time to time, and "Jian Dao" only listens to "Shi Shi".

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