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It was the first time that Li Heng met such a "shameless" person. Gu Tingshen almost made Li Heng laugh in anger.

If it were someone else who dared to make such a request to Mr. Li so casually, Li Heng would immediately tell that person to get as far away as possible, and also provide a one-stop service to ban Xue Zang.

But this person was Gu Tingshen, so Li Heng could only... hold his nose and endure it.

Then he began to think seriously about the specific feasibility of this matter.

Although the award of "Best Actor" sounds unattainable, in fact, there are dozens if not hundreds of various pheasant film festivals held every year at home and abroad, and various water emperors and water queens emerge in endlessly.

Even the five major domestic film festivals Li Heng mentioned just now have different statuses and influences in the Xia Kingdom film circle, and the selection criteria are even more diverse.

Due to various historical reasons, the top five domestic films are not recognized internationally, and most of them are enjoyed by the Xia Film Circle.

In comparison, the influence of the four major international film festivals is wider and deeper around the world.

At present, Xia Guo's well-deserved "Best Actor" and "Best Queen" are mostly actors who have won the Best Actor and Actor in the four major international awards.

However, judging from Gu Tingshen's intentions, it seems that he doesn't care whether Wei Ying is truly recognized, but cares more about the "Best Actor" award itself.

So, is it okay to rely directly on marketing to get Wei Ying a Water Emperor?

"Water Emperor? What is that?" Gu Tingshen asked him curiously.

"We just rely on marketing and hype to make him a star, and then we can buy him a Best Actor Award at any film festival." Li Heng shrugged, "But this kind of award will not be recognized by the audience and the film industry. You will even be laughed at by the crowd.”

After saying this, Li Heng frowned and looked at the eye shadow, "But most of these celebrities who rely on marketing are exquisite in appearance and have many facial powders."

"For Wei Ying, it will be difficult to take this path."

Li Heng: Yes, he is talking about Wei Yingchou!

After hearing what he meant, Gu Tingshen also looked at Ying Yi.

Although Gu Tingshen does not pay attention to the entertainment industry, in their circle, there are many young masters and ladies who run to become star actors on a whim. He has seen a few of Li Heng's little canaries, and they are indeed the best. One beauty.

Compared with them, Ying Yi's appearance does not have an advantage.

But in Gu Tingshen's opinion, Ying Yi is not really that ugly.

Although Ying Yi has dark skin, his facial features are not ugly, and he can even be called handsome.

It's just that Xia Guo has always been about "one white covering all ugliness", and in recent years, the aesthetic standard has been more neutral and delicate. It's hard to tell AO. Under this standard, Ying Yi is indeed not considered a "beauty".

In this case, "then we will not take the marketing route."

Although he is not familiar with the entertainment industry, Gu Tingshen knows the difference between "actor" and "star".

In fact, he couldn't imagine Ying Yi becoming a "star".

After all, Ying Yi was a former shadow guard, and he was already used to being low-key and dark. Even if it was for a mission, he was pushed into the public eye and stared at by countless pairs of eyes. Gu Tingshen felt very uncomfortable just thinking about it.

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