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Mr. Gu has lived for more than eighty years, and this is the first time in his life that he has been hugged by a princess.

As a top Alpha and the head of the Gu family, Mr. Gu has never been treated like this by anyone since he was sensible.

Because of this, after being picked up by Princess Yingyi, Mr. Gu was a little stunned and angry at first.

But he soon saw the little bits and pieces of Ying Yi accidentally exposed under his high-collared clothes. At first glance, it seemed that he had just been severely tortured by his grandson Gu Tingshen.

When he thought of the little detail that Gu Tingshen had deliberately pinned the person down on the stool before leaving just now, Mr. Gu suddenly felt embarrassed and was embarrassed to get angry at Ying Yi. He just patted Ying Yi on the shoulder with a tigerish face and said in a deep voice. Said, "Put me down quickly!"

Yingyi immediately put the old man firmly on the ground with one movement and one command.

The old man couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

...Why is this child so honest? !

Mr. Gu could tell that Wei Ying was not trying to argue with him in this way, but was really trying to find a way to solve the problem.

Mr. Gu knew Gu Tingshen fairly well and knew very well how sophisticated Gu Tingshen was.

Wei Ying is so honest, why should he be chewed to the bone in front of Gu Tingshen?

With this thought in his mind, Mr. Gu didn't want to embarrass Ying Yi any more. He just asked Ying Yi to sit down quickly with a serious face, and then went to the toilet by himself neatly.


Under the porch outside the house, Gu Tingshen and Gu Yaozu were standing opposite each other.

Different from the past, because he had concerns in his heart, Gu Tingshen went straight to the point this time and started questioning Gu Yaozu.

"Gu Jinming bumped into Wei Ying this morning and said he was a seducing vixen."

His voice and expression were very light, and there was no emotion.

However, these words that sounded like a complaint made Gu Yaozu stunned for a moment.

Gu Yaozu never expected that Gu Tingshen would call him out with a serious face just to accuse his five-year-old son.

However, Wei Ying is Gu Tingshen's person after all. If Gu Tingshen is really serious, Gu Yaozu's side is still in the wrong.

Gu Yaozu has always been good at making peace with people. After thinking about it for a while, he quickly said to Gu Tingshen, "This is indeed a matter of wrong name. Let me apologize to you on his behalf." After saying that, he

added habitually, "My name is wrong." I'm still a child, so I hope you don't argue with him."

It's a good thing he didn't say this. As soon as he said this, Gu Tingshen smiled sarcastically, "You really haven't changed at all over the years."

Gu Yaozu was stunned when he heard this . After a pause, before he could figure out what he meant, Gu Tingshen said again, "Liu Lan was there at that time."

Gu Yaozu's face suddenly turned green, firstly because he thought of Liu Lan's obvious thoughts towards Gu Tingshen, and secondly Unexpectedly, Gu Tingshen, who had always been interested in unrelated things, actually knew his wife's name!

Although he knew early on that Gu Tingshen definitely disliked Liu Lan, how could Liu Lan happen to meet Wei Ying so early in the morning? !

Gu Yaozu was the first one not to believe Liu Lan!

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