Chapter 1

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It was a quiet Monday morning in Billies apartment. She was sound asleep wrapped up in a warm blanket in her cozy queen sized bed. Time kept ticking by each minute making her more late than before. She woke up abruptly realizing her alarm didn't go off. She looked at her phone seeing how much time she had before she had to get up but her eyes widened when she realized she had no time at all, she was running late for work. Her stupid alarm didn't go off when it was supposed to causing her to jump out of bed in a panic. "FUCK!" She yells running to the bathroom. She quickly washed her face and brushed her teeth before grabbing an outfit. She clipped her dark hair up with a claw clip pulling out some front strands. She was never late for work she was a good employee with an amazing on time record. She never wanted to cause any trouble and couldn't risk losing her job but this morning was just not in her favor.

She rushed to her kitchen making a quick iced coffee before randomly throwing things in her tote bag including her make up. She could surly run to the bathroom at work to finish up her morning routine. After she got everything she headed out the door to her car praying traffic wouldn't be terrible. She finally arrived at the parking garage quickly parking her car locking it and rushing to the stairs.

Billie ran down the street her iced coffee in hand and her tote bag on her shoulder hoping her boss would forgive her tardiness. She knew he'd be mad especially because she was around 15 minutes late. Her boss was typically strict and had no time for lousy employees and because she's his assistant she was even more scared of his reaction, she didn't want to disappoint Mr. Rutherford. She finally made up to the building out of breath. "Please don't be mad" she whispers to herself before walking in. "Good morning Darcy!" She says cheerfully before rushing by her up the stairs to her bosses office. She unfortunately tripped on a step causing her to fall forward. She gasped and used both hands to try and stop the fall. The pressure of her boobs against the tight material of her shirt caused two buttons to pop off her shirt exposing her cleavage. Her cheeks immediately turned red in embarrassment. "Fuck" she cursed to herself. She didn't have time to fix it though. She was already running extremely late. She grabbed her tumblr filled with ice coffee that some how didn't spill during process of her fall going back up the stairs acting like nothing had happened. She finally made it to his office. She stared at the gold plack on his door that said Mr. Rutherford.

The door being shut meant he was busy. She hoped she could sneak in and he wouldn't say anything maybe just ignore the fact she was late. Maybe he'd be too busy to care. She took at deep breath before quietly sneaking in going to her desk which already had a stack of papers on it. Her boss was turned around looking at his computer. She sighed in relief before sitting down and organizing things on her desk. "Don't think I didn't see you come in almost thirty minutes late Miss O'Connell" his deep voice roars. A shiver went down her spine. She gulped before speaking, "I-I'm so sorry Mr. Rutherford my alarm wasn't working I really do apologize" she says hoping he'd forgive her. "Is that so? It looks like you had plenty of time to make an iced coffee though" he says walking over to her. He was so much taller making him more intimidating. He picked up her cup and took a drink. Her eyes widened, she didn't say a word she just watched him. He popped the cap off before spitting in it. She gasped not expecting him to do that "If I catch you late again there will be a pay deduction Miss O'Connell" he practically hisses slamming her coffee back on the table. "It won't happen again Mr. Rutherford" she says softly. "I know it won't" he says confidently before walking back over to his desk leaving Billie a completely nervous wreck.

Mr. Rutherford had a secret thing for his little assistant but he would never tell anyone that. Ever since he laid his eyes on her he wanted her, she was perfect to him. He didn't care how many people applied for the assistant job he would choose her no matter what. During their conversation he noticed her shirt had two buttons missing exposing her cleavage. Blood immediately rushed to his core causing him to be rock hard. "Damn you girl" he thought to himself. Seeing her so nervous around him made him feel so powerful. He liked intimidating her because his dream was to own her. He'd be planning it for quite awhile. He spent months creating a room in his basement to hold her captive. It may be sick and twisted to kidnap his own assistant but he couldn't bare another minute without her restrained in his basement begging him to fuck her and she would beg for him he'd make sure of it.

Billie couldn't focus on anything she was too flustered from earlier. Mr. Rutherford had never acted like that in front of her before, she was scared but also felt a little turned on. She couldn't help that feeling, Mr. Rutherford was attractive everyone in the building knew it too. He was powerful and intimidating. She felt lucky enough to be with him everyday. "Miss O'Connell!" He shouts interrupting her thoughts. "Y-Yes sir?" she trembles. "Where are those papers I asked for?" He says staring her down. "I'm uh sorry sir they're not done I'll go do them really quickly" she says getting up. He quickly snatched her arm stopping her forcing her to look at him. "Miss O'Connell I'm not sure what is going on with you today but I've had it! You come in to work thirty minutes late, have a half buttoned shirt when you know the dress code and you're not keeping up with your work! Do you see that paddle on my wall?" He spats pointing to a wooden paddle that was engraved with his name in cursive. "Y-Yes sir I do" yes replies looking down. He immediately got rock hard again seeing her bow her head for him. He lifts her chin causing her to stop breathing.

"I will bend you over my desk lift that skirt up and spank your ass red with that paddle if you keep misbehaving" he threatens still holding her chin while looking into her innocent blue eyes. Billie was frozen in place. She was scared but the wetness forming in her thong was a clear sign that she wasn't all that scared. She wasn't misbehaving either but she wouldn't argue with him, the paddle didn't look fun. "I'm sorry sir I'll do better" she says softly. "Good girl" he replies caressing her cheek before walking away. She was left a complete mess and she was now extremely uncomfortable from her thong being soaked through. She went back to working hoping she wouldn't mess up anymore.

A few hours later Billie was still working tirelessly, but it was worth it because Mr Rutherford hadn't threatened her anymore. She wanted to remove her thong but she would be more than embarrassed if he caught her. Suddenly someone knocks on the door, Mr. Rutherford wasn't in his office at the moment and Billie was told not to answer the door for anyone. The person came in anyways immediately glaring at Billie "Excuse me stupid girl did you hear me outside knocking?" He spat at her. She didn't say anything, she hated being yelled at. He walked up snapping in her face. "Hello earth to dumb bitch do you hear me?" She once again said nothing to him but tears started forming in her icy blue eyes. "You know stupid worthless sluts like you don't deserve a job you deserve to be at home and used as nothing but a sex..." "THATS ENOUGH" a voice boomed. Billie nearly jumped from her seat. "I don't know who you think you are but you will not ever speak to her like that again! Do I make myself clear" Mr. Rutherford spat in his face. The man left the room immediately. Billie wiped her tears quickly.

"Are you ok Miss O'Connell?" he asked with a soft voice. Was he actually being nice to her? Consoling her? "Yes sir I'm sorry" she says looking down. It's all she could do when she had tears in her eyes. He lifts her chin back up wiping her salty tears away. "don't apologize, that was not your fault no one should ever speak to you that" he says softly. She just nods her head yes as a response. He realized it was finally time to take Billie away from this miserable world and bring her into his.

Mr. Rutherford snuck down to the private kitchen grabbing a can of coke. The exact coke he would use to kidnap sweet Billie. He grabbed a cup filling it with ice before pouring the coke into it. He added one last thing to it before taking back up to his office. "Here goes nothing" he whispers to himself.

Billie didn't know how to take in what just happened, Mr. Rutherford was actually nice and protected her. He usually would never do a such a thing but she felt some comfort from him being protective of her. However she was still nervous over what he threatened her with. What kinda boss threatens to spank their assistant? Suddenly he walked back up to her handing her a drink, she looked at him confused. "What is this for?" She asked. He stared down at her. "You, I felt bad for what I did to your coffee this morning" he says. She looks at him still very confused but she didn't want to be rude so she took the drink. "Thank you Mr. Rutherford" she replies. He gives her a smile walking back to his desk. Now he just had to wait.

Billie took a sip of the mystery drink discovering that it was just a coke nothing special or even as good as her iced coffee. She shrugged it off and continued working. She tried to at least, but she was still distracted from earlier.  After a few minutes she did not feel well at all her body felt like giving out. She quickly stood up holding her head. "M-Mr Rutherford I'm feeling very sick I need to lay down somewhere" she says moving towards the ground. He quickly rushed over and caught her. In a matter of seconds she was passed out in his arms. He smirked at her softly caressing her rosy cheek. "It's all over my sweet Billie you're all mine now and I won't let anyone hurt you" he whispers.
Some one asked me to republish this :)

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