Chapter 6

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Billie was trembling as Jesse continued kissing all over her neck. She was a flustered mess. His lips ignited a fire on her sensitive skin that only he could put out. It took everything in her not to moan, not to let him know how good this felt, not to give into his wicked ways but she couldn't last any longer. "Oh J-Jesse" she softly moaned. He quickly grabbed her throat squeezing it causing her to gasp. "What did I tell you about calling me that?" He spat in her ear. "I-I'm sorry Mr. Rutherford" she responds correcting herself immediately. "You better start listening to me or I'll take you to my basement and show you absolutely no mercy" he threatens. Before she could respond to his threat he gently kissed her sweet spot over and over finally taking the soft skin between his teeth. She moaned in pain as he sucked on the sensitive skin. Though it was painful it also felt kinda good, she honestly didn't know what to think. "Your skin is so soft and perfect" he whispers. She blushed at his compliment. No man ever said something so sweet to her. "Do you like when I kiss you sweet Billie?" He asks. She so badly wanted to retaliate and tell him no but the thought of the basement crossed her mind. "Yes Mr. Rutherford I do" she responds. "Good because I'm going to kiss you every single day" he responds.

She didn't say anything in response. He grabbed the wash rag on the ledge of the tub dunking it in the water before adding body wash to it. Billie didn't like the idea of not cleaning herself. "I want to clean myself Mr. Rutherford" she says assertively. He was shocked by her tone. "No I will be the one cleaning you, you don't have a choice" he responds. She didn't like the idea of that but she wasn't going to argue. "You need to start understanding your role here, you're mine you belong to me, I make the decisions and you say yes sir. You're not going to argue with me or piss me off or I promise you we'll go right down to my basement" he says sternly. "Yes Mr. Rutherford" she responds annoyed. He takes the rag gently washing her body. She was tense and scared wishing it would end soon. But he took his time making sure to touch each and every inch of her skin. He kept kissing her neck and shoulders. "I can't wait to fuck you" he whispers. She closed her eyes and tried to ignore the throbbing feeling between her legs. Her body was such a traitor. "My Good Little submissive" he says. She didn't want to be a good little submissive she wanted her freedom and life back.

He hit the drain before standing them both up immediately grabbing a fluffy towel wrapping Billie in it. The air was cold on her skin causing goosebumps to form. "Are you cold beautiful?" He asks. "Y-Yes sir I am" She answers softly. He lets go of her before grabbing his robe. "This will keep you warm" he says putting his huge robe on her. She loved how soft and comforting it was. He kissed her forehead before drying himself off. She stood there awkwardly trying not to ogle him. Even if he was insane for kidnapping her she still found him very attractive. She hated that she felt that way. "I have dinner coming in ten you can enjoy some alone time until it gets here" he says. "Yes Mr. Rutherford" she responds softly. He put on boxers and pajama pants before exiting the room. She didn't know where he was going but she couldn't believe he didn't chain her up. She could easily try to escape. She looked around before walking towards the door. She took a deep breath before opening it, the hallway was empty. She darted out of the room towards the stairs as fast as she could. She spied the door to her freedom again hoping this time she'd make it out. Without any more hesitation she rans down the stairs only to meet Mr. Rutherford.

She gasps as their bodies collide. "Where are you going?" He asks crossing his arms over his chest. "I-I'm uh really thirsty so I was hoping for some water" she says pulling an excuse right out of her ass. "Oh really? So it wasn't an escape plan?" He asks. "N-No sir I just figured I could find some water down here" she responds trying not to sound guilty. "Go back upstairs and I'll get you some" he says. She immediately turns around sighing in relief, thank god he didn't catch her. She went back upstairs going straight to his bed. A few minutes later Jesse returned with her water. "Here Babygirl" he says. "Thank you" she says softly trying not to look at him. He reached over to her chains reattaching them. "Just so you don't get any ideas" She wanted to whine about it but decided against it. "I'll be back up with our dinner" he says before leaving the room again. She was pissed he chained her back up but it was technically her fault, he knew she was trying to escape he wasn't stupid. She put her water on the nightstand before grabbing the TV remote turning it on so she could watch something. Nothing seemed interesting so she turned it off and sighed.

A few minutes go by and Jesse finally returned with their food. "Hope you like pasta" he says placing two plates of spaghetti on the bedside table. She nodded her head yes even though she wasn't really hungry. He sat up a foldable table and two chairs in the middle of the room. Billie was more than confused, why couldn't they just eat downstairs? "Mr. Rutherford why can't we just eat downstairs?" She asks. "Because You're not leaving this room the rest of the night, I'm not dumb Billie you were trying to escape earlier and I left you unchained to see what you would do. It was a test sweet Billie and you failed miserably" he says. She didn't want to argue so she kept her mouth shut. "I do have to say you're good at excuses though. I would've believed you but I can tell when you lie" he says. "I'm sorry Mr. Rutherford I'll be a good girl" she says refusing to fight back no matter how bad she wanted to. "Come on let's eat so you can go to bed" he says changing the subject. She was shocked by what he said she was done staying quiet. "W-What no it's only seven o'clock!" She shouts. He raises his eyebrows in shock. "I don't give a fuck what time it is you will go to bed when I say, besides you'll want plenty of rest tomorrow we're going to play" he says with a smirk.

Her eyes widened and her heart beat increased. She was terrified of playing she knew what he meant. Her body would have to be surrendered to him, her worst fear. "Don't worry it'll be a lot of fun I'm going to get to learn all about your gorgeous body" he says seductively. She ignored him and went over to the table sitting down. It was a quiet dinner neither one of them spoke much. "Is it good?" Jesse asks finally speaking. "Yes thank you" she replies. "You're welcome beautiful" She finished her food around fifteen minutes later. "Would you like me to do the dishes Mr. Rutherford?" She asks. He smirks "Nice try sweet Billie, I told you you're not leaving this room the rest of the night and I meant what I said so no you can not do the dishes" he spat. She didn't say anything she didn't want to get in anymore trouble. "Go brush your teeth" he commands. She immediately followed his orders going to the bathroom. Jesse set up her cage for the night, this time she had blankets and pillows. A few minutes later she came back from the bathroom. She saw her cage and immediately frowned, she wanted to sleep in his bed. "M-Mr. Rutherford I really want to sleep in your bed, not the cage" she says softly. "No Billie you're still new to this so you have to sleep in your cage like the little pet you are" he says. She sighed but followed orders once more, arguing wasn't on her agenda tonight.

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