Chapter 25

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Warning: Very Violent!

Jesse felt awful. He thought Billie was over what had happened between them but apparently she wasn't. He wished he could see her just one more time and completely apologize for everything. He didn't mean to ruin her. He lit a cigarette and drove home feeling uneasy.

Once again Billie was left alone. Braxton took the tape off of her, touched her, then tied her up again. She was over crying it was truly exhausting. Her wrists were still sore from earlier but she still fought the ropes hoping for a miracle escape. She wanted out but she broke Braxtons trust by trying to run earlier. She still couldn't believe he beat her with a belt. He said he wouldn't hurt her. Fear started to sink in again Braxton was taking her far away and there was nothing she could do about it. She would be forced to marry to him. Tears started flowing at the thought of her virginity being his. Though Jesse was rough sometimes he was also gentle with her when she needed it. She knew he would make sure her first time was perfect. She whimpered at the thought of him, she wanted him back so badly. She sighs and tries to get comfortable enough to fall asleep.

Jesse sat at home thinking about how strange it was that Billie suddenly hated him again. Something didn't feel right, Braxton could be lying about everything. His gut told him to go back to Braxtons house and talk to Billie himself. It was late but Jesse had no problem paying a late night visit. He got back in his car and drove until he was at his destination. He walked up to the front door picking the lock. Within minutes he was in. He quietly walked in searching the area. Braxtons house was very nice and clean. There was no sign of Billie yet but he wasn't giving up. He saw a staircase and quietly went up it. He hoped his sweet Billie wasn't far. The upstairs was dark and he could hear snoring coming from a bedroom. He knew it was Braxton and he hoped Billie wasn't in bed with him. He spied a closed door and had a feeling his girl was behind it. He quietly entered the room and gasped seeing Billie restrained to the bed. That mother fucker did lie. Her cheeks were teared stained and she was half naked. She looked so uncomfortable and cold. He caressed her cheek causing her to stir. She wakes up and her eyes meet Jesse's. "Jesse!" She squeals. "Shh shh we can't wake him up" he says. She immediately quiets down and pulls on her restraints. He pulls out his knife freeing her. She immediately jumped into his arms hugging him. "He's trying to take me away" she sobs. "Shh it's ok sweet girl I'm here to save you" he says soothing her. He got up but she didn't let go. "Where's the rest of your clothes?" He asks. "He took them away" she says. "Did he...?" "No he didn't rape me he just spanked me with a belt really hard" she says. He sighs in relief but also feels angry that he beat her. He begins carrying her out of the room. He quickly made it down the stairs and almost out the door. "Put her down or I'll shoot" they hear a deep voice say. Billie gasps seeing Braxton at the top of the stairs pointing a gun at them. Jesse quickly puts Billie behind him protectively. "If you know what's good for you you'll get your fucking ass back in the bedroom whore!" Braxton spats.

Out of fear Billie tries to do as she's told but Jesse stops her. "She doesn't belong to you asshole" Jesse spats. "Yes she does. We're getting married" he says. "N-No we're not!" Billie retaliates. "Yes we are you fucking slut, now come back up here" he says cocking the gun. "J-Jesse" she whimpers. "It's ok" he says trying to soothe her. Suddenly the gun goes off right next to Jesse. Billie shrieks and begins sobbing loudly. "Babygirl calm down you're safe with me" Jesse reassures her. She holds onto his arm tightly. "We can play this game all fucking night but quite frankly I don't want to. Babygirl and I have a flight early so Billie you have exactly five seconds to get up here or you're gonna watch your fuck buddy get his brains blown out" Braxton threatens. "NO PLEASE!" She sobs. Jesse sneaks his keys behind his back signaling Billie to go to his car. "Go" he whispers. Billie immediately darts to the front door making Braxton shoot his gun again. Billie runs as fast as her little legs would take her, safely getting in Jesse's car locking herself inside. She sobbed uncontrollably wanting Jesse, but she had no idea if he was even alive. She didn't even want to think about that. Suddenly the whole car shakes making her gasp. Braxton jumped on top of Jesse's car causing Billie to shriek again.

She was absolutely terrified. He begins shooting bullets through Jesse's car almost hitting her. She sinks down covering her head trembling horribly. She prayed Jesse would save her. Suddenly the windshield cracks letting Braxton fall through. "You thought you could get away well now you're gonna become my slave and I'm NOT a nice master" he seethes grabbing her throat. "NO NO NO!" She screams. He drags her through the windshield cutting her up from the broken glass. "OWW BRAXTON PLEASE!" She begs. He pulls her out of the car throwing her to the ground. She laid there limp waiting for all of this to end. This was her ending she would never have a normal life again. Braxton grabs her by her hair dragging her across the concrete. She was already in so much pain it didn't matter. "You've never been anything but a fucking whore and that's not gonna change" he spats. Suddenly the grip on her hair disappeared and she sees Braxton get tackled to the ground the gun flying out of his hand. She sees Jesse next and watches the men fight it out. "She's ruined Jesse she's nothing but a fucking whore" Braxton seethes. Jesse punches him in the face. "You're higher class you can't be caught fucking around with your assistant. What would the company think?" Jesse ignores him and finally gets on top completely beating the shit out of him. He grabbed the gun and hit him in the head hard. "Rot in hell!" Jesse spats kicking him one last time. "Jesse!" Billie managed to cry. He immediately runs over and picks up the injured girl holding her tightly against him. "It's over baby I'm right here" is the last thing she heard before passing out in his arms.

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