Chapter 11

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Before Billie could doze off Jesse made her get up to take a bath. "No I want to sleep" she whines. "I know but you need a bath then you can sleep all you want" he explains. He kissed her forehead before helping her get to the bathroom. He turned on the bathtub faucet. "Do you want bubbles?" He asks. She nodded her head yes. He added the soap to the water letting the bubbles form. She got into the water sighing in relief. "Alright my sweet Billie I have work so you'll be here alone most of today, I trust you to be a very good girl and not try anything stupid. You'll have free range of the house" he explains. She couldn't believe he was letting her have free range but she wasn't complaining. "This house will be locked up tight so don't even try escaping" he says sternly. She nods her head yes, escaping was not even on her mind. She didn't want to endure anymore punishments. " I'll be back later this evening then we can play" he says before kissing her forehead. "Ok bye Mr. Rutherford" She says sadly. She missed her job and was sad he was going without her.

"Bye my Sweet Billie" he says exiting the bathroom. She didn't know how to feel being all alone in his huge house. It was quiet and lonely. She soaked in the bath for quite awhile just thinking about everything. She missed her old life so badly. She teared up thinking about it. So many people probably had no idea she was even missing. Her parents and brother lived far away and she was so busy it was hard to keep in contact with them. She really missed them. After sulking in the bathtub she finally got out. She wrapped herself in a towel before exiting the bathroom. She was freezing cold, his bedroom was always cold though she wondered if he did it on purpose to torture her. She went over to his closet immediately spotting the robe he put on her in the other day. She grabbed it putting it on. She was quickly engulfed with warmth. She wondered what to do now, Jesse was gone for the day.

Jesse arrived at work happy as could be. Billie was reaching her breaking point and she was on the verge of fully giving herself to him. But the happiness didn't last too long, the atmosphere was still sad and dull at work nobody was acting like themselves, surely they weren't still hung up on Billie, they would just move on right? "Hi Darcy" he says greeting her. She just fake smiled with tears in her eyes. He walked up to his office taking a seat looking at what was on his agenda today. There wasn't too much going on. He was excited to see he could leave early and get back to Billie. The things they did were amazing he wished his buried between her legs right now. Suddenly his eye caught sight of Billie's desk. It was covered in flowers and cards. His face dropped everyone was still hung up on her. He walked over picking up the cards. He read them, all of them. They were sad and quite honestly heartbreaking. People really loved her. He couldn't blame them she was so sweet and caring. He kinda felt bad taking her away. Suddenly there was a knock. "Mr. Rutherford we need to talk" Braxton says barging in. "About what Mr. Roth? I'm busy today" Jesse says not looking at him. Braxton slams the door shut behind him. "Cut the shit Jesse where is Billie? Where the fuck are you hiding her you sick fuck?!" He spats.

Jesses eyes widen. "Excuse me Mr. Roth" he says now looking at him. Shocked by his tone. "You took her! I'm not stupid! That's my future wife Jesse! Where the fuck did you take her?!" He says now screaming. Jesses blood boiled, Billie would not be Braxtons future wife. "Let's get one thing clear Mr. Roth you will not come into my office and speak to me this way. I don't have Billie, why would I kidnap my own assistant? I miss her as much as you but I'm not going around blaming people for her disappearance" he says sternly. "You're a fucking lier! You were the last one with her, YOU FUCKING TOOK MY WIFE!" Braxtons yells while sobbing. Jesse was furious, "Get the fuck out Braxton" he growls. "When the cops find her you're gonna rot in fucking prison!" Braxton spats before exiting the office slamming the door again. "She's mine not yours" Jesse whispers.

Billie decided to explore the house. She was very intrigued by everything and figured now would be the time to finally let her curiosity run wild. She was particularly fixated on one door. She had seen it a few days ago but didn't have to chance to go in, now she could. She walked down the long hallway spying the door. It was painted crimson red, none of the other doors were that color. She took a deep breath before opening it. She instantly regretted it, the room was full of drawings of girls enduring extreme bondage, blueprints of furniture that would be used for sex, and sketches of sexual torture. The reality was hitting her all over again she was a slave to her boss, he didn't love or care about her, he wanted her as a toy. She breathed heavily and exited the room. She had to leave and leave now, no matter the consequences.

Jesse was still furious with his last encounter with Braxton. The fact that that bastard called her his future wife made Jesses blood boil. Billie belonged to him and if she was to marry anyone it would be him, she would be Mrs. Rutherford. The thought of marrying her excited him. She'd be his forever and they would legally be bound to one another. He smirked at the thought, he'd make her his wife one day. But for now he was focused on dominating, controlling, and breaking her.

Billie panicked as she ran down his stairs. "Please please please" she whispers to herself hoping the door would open. She tried opening it only to discover he made it impossible to unlock from the inside. "No no no please" she sobbed wiggling the doorknob. It didn't budge making her completely break down. A prisoner, Jesses prisoner is what she was and she had absolutely no choice. She didn't understand why it had to be her, who she pissed off to deserve such terrible treatment. She threw herself to floor sobbing until she fell asleep.

Jesse finally arrived back home. He was ready to see his captive assistant. When he walked inside he saw her curled up by the front door sound asleep. He knew she had tried escaping again, he was very glad he replaced the door knobs. He nodded his head in disapproval looking at his pathetic prisoner. He really thought she would give up trying to escape but clearly she had not. Before he could move her she woke up. "M-Mr. Rutherford don't hurt m-" "it's ok my sweet Billie come here" he says cutting her off. She hesitantly crawled over to him and was quickly engulfed by his scent something about it always calmed her. He wasn't going to punish her for trying to escape mostly because all he wanted was to be between her legs. "I don't want this Mr. Rutherford let me go" she whispers. "You were doing so good my sweets did something change your mind about me?" He asks stroking her hair. You're fucking sick and terrible. You're forcing these things on me, just let me go nobody will have to know about this. I swear I won't tell anyone just please let me go" she begs softly.

He sighs very annoyed by her."Was that orgasm I gave you sick and terrible?" He asks. She stayed silent. Of course the orgasm wasn't terrible it felt incredible but she wouldn't tell him that. "Exactly, you're just being dramatic now come on I want to play in my room" he says. All this man did was ignore her. He picked her up and carried her upstairs tossing her on the bed. "Robe off" he commands. She nodded her head no pissing him off. "You don't tell me no, robe off or I'll rip it off" he threatens. She slowly removed it. "You make everything so damn difficult" he scoffs throwing the robe. She stayed silent not wanting to piss him off even more. "Ass up" he commands. Her eyes widen and she doesn't move. "Billie last fucking warning listen to me or I'll spank you and I won't fucking stop" he growls. She winces "C-Can we please just cuddle Mr. Rutherford I've missed you" she says soft and innocent. Though that wasn't the truth she would do anything to not engage in any sexual activities with him right now.

He didn't want to give in but the desperation in her eyes told him to just hold and comfort her, Braxton would do it and he'd do anything to win Billie over. He sighed "ok my sweet Billie" he says softly. She felt so relieved. He picked her back up causing her to cling onto him before pulling back his comforter. He had to admit cuddling with her sounded so nice especially after everything that happened at work. He carefully placed her on her side of the bed before removing his shirt and jeans. She didn't look at him she just waited for him to join her. The minute he got in bed he pulled her against him. She didn't fight it, being held felt nice. "M-Mr. Rutherford Are you going to torture me?" She asks softly. "No baby, why do you ask?" "That room down the hall is scary I saw things in there that really frightened me" she says tearing up, she was always so emotional. "First off no I'm not going to torture you, second why were you snooping around?" He asks sternly. "I was bored, I'm sorry" she admits. "You're getting a punishment for that later, now close your eyes and rest baby" he says. She didn't fight him going right to sleep.

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