Chapter 21

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Jesse had the biggest smirk on his face as he heard the sweet cries from his assistant over the intercom. Everyone in the lobby looked disgusted as Billies soft moans filled the building. "My apologies everyone I think Miss O'Connell might need me" he says going back up to his office. Chatter filled the bottom floor as he went upstairs. "You motherfucker! Why would you do that to me!" Billie spats completely embarrassed and pissed off by what just happened. "What you didn't like the entire building hearing you scream my name?" He asks sarcastically. She was shaking with anger. "No that was so fucking embarrassing Jesse!" She retaliates. He saw the vibrator on his office floor. "Why'd you take it off?!" He spats. "Because fuck you that's why!" She retaliates. She was absolutely pissing him off especially with calling him his first name. "Enough with the spiciness you will not speak to me that way! Now put the vibrator back on, your punishment is not over!" He says harshly grabbing her wrist. "SPICY! I'LL SHOW YOU FUCKING SPICY!" She screams swinging her fist at him. He quickly blocks her attempt and grips her wrist hard. She gasps. "You and I both know how this is gonna end. Sit down and chill out!" He spats releasing the grip on her wrist. She sat down taking deep breaths. She was still furious but she knew she had to calm down.

Tears formed in her eyes from the complete embarrassment she just felt. Jesse looked at her without much sympathy. "You did this to yourself Billie. You deserve this punishment and you know it" he says. "W-Why is seeing me suffer such a turn on for you?!" She cries. He didn't enjoy seeing suffer he enjoyed having control. "Because it lets me know that I have complete control of you" he responds smugly. She scowled at him but unfortunately he was right, Billie was at his mercy. He reached up wiping a tear away from her cheek with his thumb. She melted from his touch. "I love you Billie" he whispers leaning in to kiss her. She looks up at him leaning in too. "BILLIE OMG ARE YOU OK?" Braxton comes bursting into Jesses office. He stops in his tracks seeing their faces almost touch. "What the fuck?!" Braxton spats pushing Jesse. "You know that's my future wife why were you two about to kiss?" He says completely pissed off. "Braxton I promise that's not what was happening. He was helping me get an eyelash out of my eye" Billie explains falsely. He looks at them both skeptically. "Like I'm gonna believe that!" He scoffs. "I promise baby" Billie responds sincerely. "I should've known something was going on between you two! We're over I don't want to talk to you again! And to think I was going to propose, you're a slut" Braxton says before storming out of the room. "Braxton wait!" She says trying to chase after him. Jesse grabs her wrist. "Let him take a breather he's just pissed off right now" Jesse says. She started to cry. She actually really loved Braxton and saw a strong relationship between them. "Y-You ruin everything Jesse I literally hate you!" She spats.

"That's not true Billie, you love me you just won't admit it. You almost let me kiss you and if Braxton hadn't interrupted us I know you would've gladly made out with me" Jesse says smirking. Billies blood started to boil. "FUCK YOU JESSE IM SICK OF THIS DOMINANT CONTROLLING BULLSHIT! YOU ARE SICK AND TWISTED! I SHOULD TELL EVERYONE WHAT YOU FUCKING DID TO ME!" She screams. Jesse just listened showing no emotion. Billie sunk to the floor sobbing. He continued to watch her fall apart. "You can tell them Billie I told you I'd go to prison but you are still attached. You crave my dominance, you want me to make you lose your mind in pleasure. So go tell them everything but I can't do anything behind bars and you know Braxton will do a half ass job" Jesse explains. She was silent trapped in her own thoughts. She finally stood up before walking towards him. "Y-You're right Jesse you've been right this whole time! I do want you and no matter how much I deny it I want to be tied up in your basement while you make me cry in pleasure" she admits. "I-I'd do anything to for you and I want you to take my virginity no matter how much I say no and fight you I want you. That's why I let you punish me that's why I sucked you off that's why-" he grabbed the back of her neck pulling her in for a kiss cutting her off. Like always she didn't fight him. She put her hands on his shoulder as he got rougher and more passionate. She craved more and felt herself getting desperate. "Take me right here, I don't care about it being special. I need you inside me Jesse please!" She begs desperately. He wanted to take her badly but he contained himself. "No we talked before you deserve it to be special. Come to my house after work I'll be waiting for you and I will make sure your first time is absolutely perfect" he says looking deeply into her eyes. "Yes Mr. Rutherford"

And you ruined everything...

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