Chapter 17

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Billie ran and ran until she finally was far away from her captors house. She was free. She didn't know where she was or where she was going but she didn't care, she was out of that hellish prison and away from her crazy sadistic boss.

Jesse sat on the edge of his bed thinking about what he had just done. He let her go. He wanted to keep her forever but he couldn't stand another minute knowing she hated him. Regret started to take over but not because he set her free but because she was all alone in the middle of the woods.

Billie was lost she had no clue where she was and she felt scared. A part of her wanted to turn around and go back but she couldn't bring herself to do it. What if he changed his mind and decided to keep her again? The thought of that made her tremble. She continued walking hoping she was get closer to home or finding someone who could get her home. The whole time she thought about Jesse and how upset he looked. The desperation for forgiveness in his eyes. She couldn't forgive him though not after the things he put her through. She was getting exhausted from walking so far and she felt like she was in the middle of nowhere. Suddenly a car pulls up rolling down their window. She felt so relieved until she saw who was in the car. "Billie get in" he says. Her face dropped and she immediately scowled at him. "No I'm not going with you, you sick bastard!" She yells continuing to walk away. "Billie please get in it's dangerous out here" he says. "Nothing can be as dangerous as being around you, you fucked me up" She spats. He sighs. "Trust me there are way worse people and if they see you walking out here alone they would take you" he says. "Well if it's so dangerous why did you let me out here all alone? Don't you love me so much?" She asks with attitude. "I wasn't thinking and I do love you very fucking much" he replies. "Just fuck off Jesse, go wreck your fucking car" She says before running away.

He immediately got out of his car running after her. She screamed loudly but no one could hear her. He tackled her to the ground covering her mouth. "GET OFF OF ME!" She screams into his hand. "No I can't leave you, I'll take you home" he says. "That's a lie you want to take me back to your house to torture me and fuck me!" She spats tearing up. He sighs, "It's not like that sweet Billie I promise, I'll take you home and you'll never have to see me again" he says. She stayed silent just letting the idea of never having to see him again sink in, she didn't like the idea of that but she wouldn't tell him. "F-Fine take me home and never speak to me again" she seethes. He nodded his head in approval then they walked back to his car. She sat in the front seat facing away from him. He didn't want to piss her off even more so he said nothing to her the entire ride home.

They finally arrived at her apartment building. But before she could exit he grabbed her face immediately crashing his lips into hers. She was taken by surprise but didn't fight it, she hated to admit how good that kiss felt. It was passionate and full of love. She closed her eyes melting into it. After a few minutes he pulled away and smiled. "I'm sorry for everything my sweetest Billie. Take care" he says caressing her cheek with his thumb. She said nothing but pulled away grabbing her bag and exiting the car. She ran up to the apartment building not looking back. Tears started to form as she continued running. She finally made it to her apartment shutting the door behind her and bawling her eyes out.

Jesse drove back home and waited for the cops to show up. He lit a cigarette while sitting on his bed thinking of Billie. He just hoped she was ok and could forgive him for everything he had done. He was going to miss waking up to her everyday. Soon he'd be waking up in a cold cell dressed in an orange jumpsuit, he deserved it though and he knew that. He sighed before taking a puff of his cigarette.

Billie laid by her door crying for a few hours. She was an emotional mess. She was happy to finally be home but she couldn't stop thinking about Jesse and the kiss they shared. She actually enjoyed it, she enjoyed kissing him and wished it never ended. She couldn't call the cops she just couldn't. Everything was so fucked up, why was she trying to protect her crazy kidnapper? She hated him at least that's what she thought. Her head started to hurt from the overwhelming thoughts. Nothing about this was right but she couldn't help her feelings, she hated to think it but she really loved Mr. Rutherford.

The next day at work Jesse was quiet. He was waiting for the cops to show up and arrest him. Everyone noticed how strange he was acting but didn't question him, they were too scared. He stared at Billies desk admiring the flowers. Billie absolutely loved flowers so he knew she would be so excited to see so many on her desk. He smiled thinking about her being excited. He loved seeing her happy, truthfully he loved everything about her. Nothing could ever go back to the way it was but he still had little hope that Billie didn't hate him.

A week went by and Jesse was still a complete mess. He thought he'd forget about her and carry on but he couldn't stop thinking about her and the intimate moments they shared. Her sounds of pure bliss kept playing in his head. While he thought about her there was a loud scream. "BILLIE!" Darcy yells immediately running up and hugging the girl who had been MIA for so long. Jesse ran to his door looking through the window. Everyone started asking questions and bombarding the poor girl but she looked through the door window of Jesses office locking her eyes on him.

I know this sucked sorry

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