Chapter 23

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Jesse was completely irate. Someone took his sweet Billie away from him. This was the second time things were interrupted and he was furious. Part of him still wished he had never let her go. His dominant sadistic side wanted her locked up readily available for him at all times but she's a human not his toy. He had to find out who took her and make them suffer for even considering taking her away.

Billie woke up feeling awful. Braxton had put a blanket on her which was a sweet gesture but she was still terrified. She wanted to know his intentions with her. She hoped and prayed he wouldn't hurt her. She curled up tighter sobbing just wanting to be in Jesses arms. This was a déjà vu for her and not in a good way. Suddenly Braxton comes into the room holding some rope. Her heart sank and she sat up looking at him with fear. "I-I've been good you told me you wouldn't hurt me as long as I listen" she trembles. "You just can't shut up can you?!" He growls. He reached in his back pocket pulling out duct tape he ripped off a piece and placed over her mouth. He undid her chain then quickly tied her wrist together behind her. He forced her off the bed slamming her back on it so she was bent over. "Don't fight me on this!" He spats. She immediately began crying and nodding her head no. This was it, her virginity was going to be taken. He ignored her and pulled down her skirt revealing her handprint covered ass.

"I fucking knew it! You're in a bdsm relationship with Rutherford!" He shouts. She whimpers and nods her head no again. "That's why you left me huh? To let Rutherford abuse you! I should have him arrested! If only you could see your ass right now!" He spats. She nods her head no over and over. He caressed her ass feeling his own tears forming. "Why'd you let him do this? You don't deserve to be beat up" he says. She tried talking but the tape prevented it. "I'm sorry Billie but you're never going to see him again I'm not going to let you" he says. Her eyes widen and she began to struggle. He pulled her skirt back up and forced her back on the bed leaving her restrained. "Tomorrow we are leaving and we're not coming back. I'm taking you to a much safer place where you won't be even close to Jesse. You're going to marry me and we're going to live the life we were destined to have" he explains. Billies eyes widen and she began to struggle even harder. "Calm down, you have no choice. Now relax for awhile maybe take a nap, I'll be back later to check on you" he says kissing her forehead. He left the room and she immediately began squirming around trying to get off the bed and escape. He didn't tie her legs so she had full control of them. Her heart was beating out of her chest.

She finally managed to put both feet on the floor standing up looking for any escape route. She wanted to free her hands but the rope was so tight. She was very uncomfortable and scared. She didn't know how she was supposed to escape without the use of her hands. She had to figure something out though before he took her away from Jesse for good.

Jesse was beside himself but he sucked it up knowing he had to stay strong for sweet Billie. Whoever took her really had some nerve. He couldn't focus on working not when his mind spiraled with horrible thoughts. Suddenly Braxton enters his office. "What Mr. Roth?" He spats. "Umm it's been an honor working for you but I'm quitting today I'm sure multiple people are interested in my position so for that reason I will not be putting in a two weeks notice. I appreciate everything and wish you all the best" Braxton says. Jesse was shocked but could tell something was completely off about him. It started to add up quickly, Braxton took Billie and he was trying to get away. "You mother fucker!" Jesse spats leaping at him and tackling him to the ground. "Where the fuck is she?" He growls. Braxton fought back. "She's mine Rutherford! You'll never see her or I again" Braxton says pushing Jesse off of him. He darts for the door but Jesse chases him.

Billie did everything she could to free her hands but nothing worked. She was slowly losing all hope. All her frustration turned to sadness. She bawled like a baby just wanting to be free from her restraints. She didn't want to be forced into marriage or lose her virginity to Braxton... hours passed and Braxton hadn't returned. Billie was now terrified that he was gone for good and nobody would be able to find her. She felt sick just thinking about it. Suddenly the door opens. "Sorry about that babygirl Jesse caused quite a scene earlier it's over now and he's gone so no more worrying about him" Braxton says. Her heart sank. He removed the rope and tape but kept a very tight grip on her. "What did you do to him Braxton?" She trembles in tears. He gripped her throat hard. "I put him in jail where he fucking belongs, now shut up about him. We have a wedding to plan and house hunting to do" he says harshly. She just cried and cried in response. "Crying doesn't make anything better so I'd quit" he says annoyed. "I fucking hate you" she spat through her sobs. "Well I don't care and for the record you can say whatever you want to me because I'm not phased by any of it. I love you and I don't care what you think" he says in response. Billie glared at him and before he could do anything she ran out of the room. Braxton laughed and rolled his eyes. She opened the front door only to be shocked hard. She fell to the floor in pain. "Stupid decision babe" he says before dragging her by her arms back upstairs. She just let it happen never feeling so defeated...

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