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“Conversion therapy?” Lefa shared a bittersweet laugh.
Masika didn’t mean to divulge the conversation she had with Tebello but the pain meds made her lips loose, and there was no turning back now. She’ll deal with the consequences of her big mouth when the time comes. Lwazi couldn’t stay with her at the hospital, so she called Lefa and he didn’t hesitate to show up and drive her home. He was that one person she could always count on because he didn’t drop the ball often.
“I’m the high one, why are you laughing?”
“I’m not laughing, Masika,” he said with a slight head shake. “I’m just surprised Tebello would go along with that bullshit. She was there when our grandmother locked me in a room and called her church friends to pray away my gayness. I was left in there for a week without food and water because she believed I was possessed.”
His grandmother was a classic case of a wicked Christian, who justified her evil deeds with Bible quotes and Lefa slept better at night knowing she was rolling in her grave because her prayers didn’t ‘cure’ him from being gay. His Pride flag was still flying high.
“That sounds like a deleted scene from The Exorcist.”
“Stop it.” He slapped her thigh. “I was depressed for days after that and I can’t imagine Kgothatso going through that in this day and age.”
“Well, too bad you can’t do anything about it.”
“Why not?” He never backed down from a challenge and she knew that.
“You didn’t hear this from me but Gontse blames you.”
He turned down the radio and drove through a yellow light instead of stopping like a sane person would. Lefa wasn’t the best driver but she knew better than to complain about it.
“Let me guess, because I’m gay?” he said, dryly
“You got that right.”
“So, that bald-headed, bloated swine is homophobic? Tebello surely knows how to pick them.”
They could write a book about all her exes with the first chapter being about the supposed Nigerian Prince and it would be a best seller because her colourful love life would make for a good read.
“He had all of us fooled.”
Sunday family lunches were about to get even more awkward, there was no doubt about that.
“I’ll have a conversation with Kgothatso, I think it’ll be nice for her to know she has someone in her corner.”
“I like that idea because I couldn’t really get into it with her today but she did let on that they’re giving her a hard time about it at school, which led to the suspension.”
“I see.” He was pensive all of a sudden.
Masika pushed back the seat and propped her feet up on the dashboard. 
His gaze darted in her direction and ran along her short legs, she was the only person who’d get away with doing such in his car. “How much dosage did they give you because you know I hate that shit?”
“You always tell me to let my hair down.”
“And you decide to take my advice now?” He changed lanes and turned right, going in the opposite direction of their apartment building.
“Wait, where are we going?” she asked.
“To Kgothatso’s school. I’ll call Demetrius to meet us there.”


Demetrius arrived guns blazing in a crop top and ripped jeans, demanding to have a meeting with Mr Strydom the principal, his request was denied at first because they didn’t have an appointment. But that was put to rest when Lefa pulled the ‘Do You Know Who I Am?’ stunt, and security was called because being Instagram famous meant nothing to that red-faced receptionist who still considered Steve Hofmeyr as the best thing to walk on this earth.
Being cancelled on social media didn’t shake Mr Strydom because most of the parents were in support of his decision and that basically made him untouchable. He preached about upholding the school’s code of conduct and it didn’t matter that those same rules were prejudiced against Kgothatso. Lefa’s threat to pull his family’s funding to the school had Mr Strydom singing a different tune, and he was forced to reverse the suspension on the spot. Tebello wasn’t happy though when she got the call because Gontse didn’t want this to become public knowledge and her brother’s little crusade was about to make her life a living hell.
The three of them were in high spirits after putting Mr Strydom in his place and it was only right to celebrate their victory at a trendy karaoke bar in Melville. Demetrius was the one who put Karaoke Kong on their radar because he never missed an opportunity to show off his impressive voice. It was a fun place to hang out with fabulous cocktails and food and no-one could go wrong with that combo.
Because of the couples’ special it became apparent Masika and Lefa were the odd ones out because everybody else was boo’d up including the two love birds, feeling up on each other. Samora and Demetrius were that sometimes annoying couple that didn’t shy away from PDA and never went to bed angry even after an argument. They met at Coachella before the lockdown and what was supposed to be a short-term fling turned into a long distance relationship and ended with a trip to the altar. 
On a normal day their very public display of affection wouldn’t bother her but she was fresh out of a break up that left her jaded.
“Will you two stop it? We know you love each other, we get it.” Lefa was brave enough to say something unlike Masika.
“Don’t hate because I’m happy to see my man.” Demetrius was smiling like a cat that caught the canary. 
“You live together so I know it can’t be that exciting to see him.”
She nodded in agreement, helping herself to a lengthy sip of the signature cocktail.
“Says someone who doesn’t want to see ‘Black Love’ thrive.”
Lefa rolled his eyes all the way to the back of his head. “I’m all for ‘Black Love’, honey, but you two need to save this for the bedroom.”
He was still blushing after their erotic kiss which involved a lot of tongue and touching, it was certainly a prelude of what to come once they were alone and Lefa dreamed of being a fly on the wall for the main event. Some real life porn might be better than watching emotionless actors.
“Yes, you’re doing the most.” Masika added her 2 cents.
“Okay, we’ll keep it PG 13 since you’re still dealing with a broken heart.”
“Who me?” She pointed at herself, acting surprised. “I’m over him and moving on.”
There was one problem though; no-one at the table was convinced she was telling the truth. The pity in their eyes was a tell-tale sign, she didn’t need pity especially from Lefa because his relationship status wasn’t any better. 
“What happened to your hand?” asked Samora, chasing away the awkward moment.
“I cut myself while breaking a window because some idiot left his baby in the car.”
“Don’t leave out the part where you almost got arrested,” said Lefa.
Demetrius gasped as shock registered on his baby face. “Is that true?” 
“Yeah, but it doesn’t matter cause he didn’t press charges.”
“Thank God.”
There was a collective sigh around the table.
“Masika, don’t look now but you won’t believe who just walked up in here.” Demetrius had his gaze fixed over her shoulder as he spoke.
Lefa frowned and the mood instantly changed. “Why would he come here because it's common knowledge that when you break up with someone you break up with their friends as well, and secondly you don’t hang out in places you learned about from your ex? He needs to go.”
“I agree and he has the nerve to bring his new flavour of the month.”
She didn’t have to look to know they were talking about Theo.
“It’s not even the same girl we saw him with. I really hope his dick falls off.”
“Everyone has the right to go wherever they want, this is a free country after all. If Masika is uncomfortable with him being here then maybe we should be the ones leaving.”
This was not the time for Samora to be the voice of reason, it wouldn’t kill him to keep their delusion alive for once.
“I’m calling the manager.”
“No, it’s fine, Lefa. I don’t want to give him the satisfaction, I’m sure we can co-exist in the same space.”
“Are you sure?”
He was always ready to go to war for her.
“Yes.” She got up and downed what was left of Lefa’s cocktail for some liquid courage. It was time to show Theo what he was missing out on.
“Where are you going?”
“I want to sing.”
“Whoa!” Lefa pulled her back. “Are you sure you want to do that?”
He looked at Masika like there was a loose screw in her head and she knew then drinking while medicated was not the right move. For as long as they’ve been coming here, she was never interested in being the centre of attention so her sudden need to sing in front of an audience came as a shock.
“Don’t try to talk me out of it,” she said with a stubbornness she mastered after a few drinks.
She went up on stage, holding the mic close to her lips and looked like a fish out of water as she waited for the song she chose to come on.
“Do something. We can’t just leave her up there to make a fool of herself.” Demetrius hissed.
“She’ll be fine.” Samora chimed in.
Survivor came on and there was an uproar of cheers as the audience waited in anticipation for her to start singing, she didn’t let the noise distract her and kept her gaze solely focused on Theo and she wanted nothing more than to slap that smug look from his face.
Now that you’re out of my life I’m so much better
You thought that I’d be weak without you, but I’m stronger
You thought that I’d be broke without you, but I’m richer
You thought that I’d be sad without you, I laugh harder
Thought I wouldn’t grow without you, now I’m wiser
Thought that I’d be helpless without you, but I’m smarter
You thought that I’d be stressed without you, but I’m chilling
She sauntered towards their table, trying to look sexy in a pair of sneakers and leggings, and must have pulled it off because Theo’s eyes never left her the whole time, and his date was not pleased.
She got behind him and leaned down, singing close to his ear as she caressed his chest and slowly went down to his waist, teasing his erection. It didn’t take much to turn Theo on, which is why it was so easy for him to cheat on her, just breathing in his face sent his blood rushing to his penis. The excitement made him jump a little and that was an open invitation to straddle him.
“Masika, wha--?”
“Shhh.” She pressed her finger to his lips.
“What is going here, Theo, because you promised that I’ll be the leading lady in your new video?” asked his date.
“Of course, babe, that’s still going to happen, this is just some unfinished business and nothing serious.”

He was looking so smug, thinking Masika was going to beg him to rekindle their relationship even though she was singing about doing better without him. He was the only man capable of loving her.
“Isn’t that the same thing you promised the girl I saw you with the other day,” she said over the music.
“What girl? I don’t know what you’re talking.”
What did she ever see in him because there was nothing special about this man, he was no different than a piece of filthy gum stuck under her shoe.
“Lwazi is calling.” Lefa was a little too excited to burst his bubble. They already had their stuff and were ready to go, maybe her singing put them off.
“Who is that?” Theo demanded.
She grabbed her phone and got up, dropping the mic in his lap. He pulled her back and squeezed her wrist tight, and didn't care that it was her injured hand.
“I’m talking to you.”
“That’s none of your business because we’re not together anymore, remember?”
“Is he your new boyfriend?” he asked, tilting his head.
She snatched her hand out of his grip. “Who said he’s new?”

The smug look fell from his face and was quickly replaced with anger.

“Hey wena, Masika, come back here!”

If he was a cartoon character he’d be frothing at the mouth with steam coming out of his nose and ears.

TO LOVE A BROKEN MANWhere stories live. Discover now