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A/n: Hey everyone!! This is a longer chapter YAYY. Again, it has a lot of ups and downs but I'm sure you'll love the end as much as I did!! Lmk! Some of the thoughts y/n has are completely irrational sometimes lol don't let her mess with yours lol.

I just wanted to remind you that you have every right to feel whatever you're feeling and you never have to make yourself or your feelings small for anyone else okay?! Anyway, I think I'm going to start making each paragraph shorter in case you want to comment on something more specific lol.

Ly all take care, love b.

TW: Self-harm.

Throughout the entire flight, you prayed that Dash would be okay. You never really pray anymore, so you felt kind of stupid doing so; you were unsure as to how to do it, but you just did what you thought was appropriate and hoped for the best. Sadness also caught up with you, as you started thinking about the possible outcome of him not making it; you've always been an expert at overthinking everything and imagining the most horrible scenarios.

You distracted yourself by watching a couple of movies and then slept so you wouldn't have jetlag when you landed, as you were landing in the morning. You wanted to make sure that at least you were well rested, as these next couple of days were going to be tiring emotionally, which you knew would affect your physical state; that was a given.

Whenever something is wrong emotionally, you can't seem to function properly, and you know you have to be strong for everyone in the family.

A bad coping mechanism you have is that you normally sleep your problems away, and you know that you have to be fully present to prevent having a mental breakdown or worse.

As soon as you landed, you started feeling the anxiety getting to you, but you pushed it to the back of your head and plastered a smile on your face until you knew what the situation was at the moment, as more than 12 hours had passed since you had talked to Cate.

After migration and getting your bag, you headed straight to one of the airport's small shops to quickly get a sim card for your phone to have data access at all times while you were there.

As soon as the worker helped you figure it out, and you paid him, hundreds of messages started to pop on your screen, which made you feel extremely overwhelmed. However, the only messages you wanted to look at were the ones from Cate so you quickly opened your chat and that's when your stomach dropped and it felt as if time had stopped for a second. "He's gone y/n, he didn't make it".

Tears quickly came out of your eyes, as you made your way to the bathroom. Inside the stall, you put your hand over your forehead and your elbows on top of your legs crouching down, sobbing quietly, trying to calm yourself down.

I didn't get to say goodbye, you thought over and over again. He died probably thinking that I hated him, which was partially true. You were feeling a lot of guilt, for things you shouldn't feel guilty about and you knew it. Regardless, you gave yourself a couple of minutes to let your feelings out, because you knew you couldn't break down like this in front of everyone. It was their child, their brother; it'd be selfish of you to overshadow everyone with your feelings.

Before getting out of the stall you quickly texted Cate...


Oh, Cate, you have no idea how sorry I am.  I've landed and I'll be home soon. Send you all my love, xo.

Henry was promptly there to pick you up, and he respectfully told you how sorry he was for your loss, for which you thanked him. He told you that Cate had instructed him to take you to the house so you could prepare for the funeral service that was going to be held in a couple of hours.

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