「𝟬𝟬𝟵」 - incarcerated heart

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incarcerated (vb.)
1 - the state of being confined; imprisonment


"HEY, DID YOU KNOW?" SUKUNA STARES UP AT THE curse, standing on the ground across from it with his hands stuffed casually in his pockets. Various rocks of cement surround him from the collapsed bridge. "We're both classified as special grade, apparently."

"Both you and me, man." A mocking grin spreads across Sukuna's lips as he looks at the curse, its limbs ripped off from its torso and embedded into the wall from sheer force.

What a macabre sight... Y/N thinks to herself, watching from her spot atop a piece of the bridge that they had been falling down from moments earlier. Her knees brought to her chest as she watches the two interact warily.

Although, I suppose it does deserve it. Y/N allows after a pensive moment of thought.

The curse struggles for a moment longer before finally managing to free its head from the crevice it was stuck in, slowly pulling itself out as its body regenerates back to its former state.

"Good job, special grade." Sukuna sends a faux impressed look to the curse. "Keep trying."

The curse jumps out of its spot on the wall, landing in front of Sukuna as it gives a wide grin to the man, stretching ear to ear in an unsettling way.

"You look happy." Sukuna leans forward, a deranged grin spread on his face. "Want me to praise you?"

Sukuna leans back again, a look of disinterest falling onto his face, expression falling flat as he sighs slightly. "But healing with cursed energy isn't that hard for cursed spirits, unlike for humans. Neither you nor this brat truly understand what curses are."

Sukuna turns back towards the curse, a look of insanity creeping on his face. "This is a good opportunity, so I'll show you..."

The pale curse stands to its full height just as Sukuna brings his hands to hover in front of his chest. "...what real jujutsu is."

Sukuna touches his fingers together, closing his eyes as he starts to speak. "Domain Expansion..."

The ceiling ripples before red spreads across it, enveloping her along with the two curses as Sukuna opens his eyes, crimson red burning into the curses terrified ones. "Malevolent Shrine."

𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐙𝐄𝐒𝐒𝐈𝐍 ; jujutsu kaisenWhere stories live. Discover now