「𝟬𝟮𝟬」 - nature's wild tempest

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tempest (n.)
1 - a violent windy storm


As sickening laughter echoed through the deserted halls of the school, Mahito regarded the extra mouth formed on Itadori's face with surprise. He refused the pact? The shape of one's soul isn't something that reverse cursed techniques could deal with... Maybe healing others is beyond him?

"Pathetic!" Sukuna continued, unrelenting with his insults. "You couldn't be more pathetic, brat!"

Though, what I'm after comes next so I guess this is fine. Mahito's lips curled up into a smug grin as he starts chuckling at Itadori, their mocking laughter mingling together

Itadori freezes at the sound of the two curses laughing at him. Oh, that's right... At the end of the day, these two are both curses.

Uh— what do I do?! Y/N panics, body frigid with tension as her gaze flickered between the three figures, eyes lingering on Yoshino's distorted, pained face for a moment as a grimace fell on her lips.

Eventually, the pained expression washes away, falling into neutrality as the body looses its movement, collapsing to the ground with a dull thud that resounded in the quiet halls.

"Oh, dead already?" Mahito laughs, grinning like the cat that caught the canary as he wipes a stray tear from his eye, grin never fading. "I suppose I was kinda rough when I changed his shape."

Mahito's eyes curve into crescents, grinning ear to ear at the two. "Guess that's how it goes—"

Not letting the man get another word out, Itadori lunges forward, punching Mahito in the face as the man gets knocked back, landing on the ground before jumping on the top of the stairs.

"Too bad, though. That won't work. So long as I maintain the shape of my—" Mahito freezes as blood spills from his nose, dribbling down his face.

He struck the shape of my soul? Mahito puts a hand on his face, pulling it back to reveal the crimson liquid he had grown unfamiliar with coming from himself. That's right! Itadori Yuuji's a vessel. His body constantly houses another soul in addition to his own.

So naturally... Mahito's eyes widen in realization, grinning at the boy, "You're aware... of the outline of your soul?"

"I'll kill you!" Itadori's eyes burn with a mixture of fury and determination, boring into the curse with a stare sharp enough to cut through steel. Bloodlust poured from every fiber of his being, his muscles tensed and coiled like a predator ready to strike.

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⏰ Last updated: 7 days ago ⏰

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