「𝟬𝟭𝟮」 - elevating strength

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elevating (vb.)
1 - to increase something in its status or strength


"BY THE TIME WE ARRIVED ON SCENE, YOUR SON was already dead." Fushiguro informs the woman from the detention center, him and Y/N standing in the entryway to her apartment.

The woman blinks slowly at the information, zoned out as blank brown eyes stare ahead aimlessly— no doubt in her grief over what happened to her son.

"To be honest, I was skeptical about saving any of the people in there." Fushiguro admits, gaze flickering to the side momentarily before raising again— malachite green eyes meeting the woman's own.

"But my friend was different."

"He wasn't successful, but he tried to bring your son's body back for you after we confirmed his death." A light tremor appears in Fushiguro's voice as he mentions Itadori's death, it being either unnoticed or ignored by the woman.

Y/N takes a small step forward, taking out a plastic bag that had part of the detention center uniform sealed inside, the name 'TADASHI' written across it.

"We... uh, we weren't able to save him, and I'm sorry of that fact." Y/N bows her head slightly, all usual vocabulary forgone out of respect for the grieving woman. "We managed to retrieve this after... after everything."

Y/N glances towards Fushiguro as she takes a step back, Fushiguro catching the look as he faces the woman again.

"I'm sorry we weren't able to save Tadashi." Fushiguro apologizes, bowing with his arms against his sides as Y/N mirrors his actions.

"It's... it's all right. Don't apologize." The woman's voice cracks with grief, unshed tears finally flooding her eyes.

"I'm the only one who will mourn his passing, anyway..."

━━━〈 ✶ 〉━━━

"You're late, Y/N." Maki comments, glancing back at her approaching figure, gaze moving over as she notices the figure next to her. "And Megumi."

"Konbu." Inumaki greets, visibly brightening at her appearance.

"What were you two doing?" Maki raises an eyebrow as Fushiguro stops next to her, standing with his hands by his side idly.

𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐙𝐄𝐒𝐒𝐈𝐍 ; jujutsu kaisenWhere stories live. Discover now