「𝟬𝟭𝟲」 - tedious encounters

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tedious (adj.)
1 - too long, slow, or dull; tiresome or monotonous


"IS YAGA HERE YET?" AN ELDERLY MAN WITH A GAUNT expression inquires, lips turned down into a frown as his eyes remain ridden by sunken layers of wrinkles. "The time of an old man close to death doesn't come cheap."

A girl with light blue hair wearing a suit and tie named Miwa stands by the door, hands clasped behind her back politely.

"Principal Yaga won't be coming for a while." The door gets pushed open as Gojo walks in casually, navy blue eyes following him in barely concealed awe.

"Oh?" The elderly man looks up, unafraid to make his displeasure evident.

"He was given a false schedule." Gojo explains nonchalantly, crossing his legs as he leans back against the crouch. "Thank you for the other day, Principal Gakuganji."

"Oh? What other day would that be?" Gakuganji puts a hand on his beard, feigning ignorance.

"Don't play dumb with me, old man." Gojo leans forward. "I'm referring to the case of Itadori Yuuji. As head of the conservatives, you were involved too, correct?"

"My goodness, youth these days..." Gakuganji mutters bitterly, shaking his head. "Don't you know how to be polite?"

"I never had any intention of respecting you." Gojo counters bluntly. "Elders these days love to act important and it's so annoying, honestly."

"Hey." Miwa interrupts, eyes narrowed at the man. "Your conduct is problematic. I'll be reporting you to the relevant authorities."

Although, mentally, Miwa fangirls to herself. Oh, man! It's Gojo Satoru in person! Gojo Satoru in person!

"Go ahead." Gojo waves his hand dismissively, not sparing a glance at the girl. "I don't plan to chat for long."

Outwardly, Miwa keeps a blank face at the reply, expression unchanging as she frowns at Gojo in what seems to be disapproval.

He spoke! He spoke to me! Miwa thinks to herself giddily.

"Last night, I was attacked by two unregistered special-grade cursed spirits." Gojo explains, uncrossing his legs as he leans forward.

𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐙𝐄𝐒𝐒𝐈𝐍 ; jujutsu kaisenWhere stories live. Discover now