「𝟬𝟭𝟯」 - forlorn embrace

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forlorn (adj.)
1 - feeling sad and lonely especially because of being left alone


"HOW ASTOUNDING THAT THEY DARED TO SEND someone such as me to fetch something so trifling..." Y/N mutters irritably, casting a glance down the dimly lit hallway.

Y/N hesitates, halting in her steps as she looks around again— the only light being the dying ones overhead, occasionally flickering.

"Ugh, how eerie... Why would they even make a school contain—" Y/N cuts her words off, hearing a faint noise of... someone talking?

Y/N shuts her mouth, quieting her breathing as she listens intently for another moment before—

Y/N perks up as the noise of incoherent mumbling reaches her ears, turning towards the direction it came from— heading down one of the corridors that off-shot from the main part of the hallway.

Peeking her head around the corner— Y/N searches for where it is coming from, eyes immediately finding the door that had a faint blue light glowing from under the door.

Y/N steps forward quietly towards the door, the muttering noise steadily growing louder as she continues.

Bracing one hand against the door, Y/N uses her other to twist the knob open, peering in to see...

A couch?

Y/N blinks, taking in the room once again to correct her initial description of the room.

The lighting inside the room is dull, but the light from the television is somehow bright enough to reach the door, a red couch standing between the screen and the door.

A wary frown pulls on her lips, glancing down at the couple of steps that were between the wooden floor she was standing on and the concrete of the room.

Taking a couple steps down, the words the television is playing slowly become clearer and clearer as she moves to stand just behind the couch's

"Do I cut the red wire or the blue wire?"

"You know, in the area where I used to live, the designated trash bags..."

"Hey, what're you going on about right now?"

"...were red for plastic trash and blue for combustible trash. I always thought, shouldn't it be the opposite?"

𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐙𝐄𝐒𝐒𝐈𝐍 ; jujutsu kaisenWhere stories live. Discover now