「𝟬𝟭𝟬」 - sanguinary sea

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sanguinary (adj.)
1 - involving or causing much bloodshed


"DON'T LOOK UP AT ME WITHOUT PERMISSION. I HATE it, brat." Sukuna gazes down at the kid, Itadori returning his mocking stare with a sharp glare of his own.

"Then come down here, and I'll look down on you!" Itadori yells challengingly, eyes burning with unrelenting anger at the curse inhabiting his body— no doubt irate at Sukuna's actions at the detention center.

"You're being awfully hostile, aren't you?" Sukuna asks, his head braced against his hand as a look of boredom melts onto his face; as if the conversation wasn't even worth a moment of his time.

"Damn straight I am. You just killed me." Itadori's eye twitches in unbridled annoyance.

"No gratitude, even after I healed your arm." Sukuna sighs, expression one of resigned irritation at Itadori's antics.

"You ripped my heart out after that, you know?!"

Sukuna's eyes narrow in a mix of annoyance and amusement at the brat's frustrated exclamation.

"Plus the way you held L/N was not cool, dude!" Itadori adds, the word leaving his tongue easily, as if calling the king of curses 'dude' was the most normal thing ever. "She was unconscious and— you were just way too close!"

Itadori's face burns red, expression gaining a flustered look as he averts his gaze— remembering the girl's peaceful look as she laid unconscious in the curses' arms.

"Is this hell?" Itadori pauses his simmering anger as he looks around the area he's standing in. A sea of red water (blood?) pooled beneath his feet, spreading out into every inch of the place, eventually fading into blurs of red the further down it went.

A giant ribcage looms over their figures, as if it were a cage locking the two in together— a prison intended to keep the one inside it sealed.

"I'm not sure I can accept being stuck with you even after death." Itadori mumbles to himself, grimacing at the very idea.

Itadori crouches down; picking up one of the many skulls of the throne by its horn. "This works out, though. I'll make you cry!" Itadori yells, reeling his arm back and throwing the skull at Sukuna.

𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐙𝐄𝐒𝐒𝐈𝐍 ; jujutsu kaisenWhere stories live. Discover now