Chapter 20

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Listening to My Way by Fetty Wap right now


Zayn's POV

"Baby won't you come my way!" I sang dancing in my boxers. We were hanging out in the pool that they had in there penthouse. I wasn't really ready to go back out in public so we decided t stay inside then later I would go to there concert. "Oh god Niall why would you do that!" I yelled with a small chuckle. Niall laughed spraying more cold water on with his water gun.

"Shut up and just come in already." He groaned.

"Yea Zayn." Liam cheered on. I chuckled.

"Guys Zayn can't swim."

I scoffed. "What did you think I've been doing these past couple of months?"

"Sitting around just sobbing about crap." Louis stated with a shrug. I laughed not really blaming him.

"Well no. Pools do exist in Alsace."

"How would we know? We've never been there." Niall said.

It was true. Knowing them Alsace would be the last place they would ever think of going. "i guess I'll have to take you guys there some times." I yelled jumping into the water.

The cold water tickled my body. No one would think in years I would love the feeling of it but I do now. I wiped my eyes feeling the warm sun hit my face. "All hands off if you think you can take my bitch." I sang.

Liam laughed scruff ing up my wet hair. "Not gonna lie Zayn, for a moment there I thought you weren't gonna get back up."

I rolled my eyes at his attempt to tease me. "Lols very funny."

Liam opened his mouth but closed it looking behind me. Suddenly the door closed. I turned around and Harry was there, face emotionless with his hands behind his back.

"Morning Harry." I said nervously.

His head turned towards me slowly like the exorcist and it kind of scared me. Suddenly cold water hit me in the face and I heard his laugh. My heart skipped more than just a beat. Maybe two. Or three. I haven't heard that laugh in a while. I didn't care that there was water all over my face.

I just wanted to listen to him laugh. "Cause baby you the baddest. All this money i'mma catch it!!" Harry sang jumping into the water causing me to get wet again. His green eyes gleamed in the sun and his smile gave me a breath of life.

Harry was more than beautiful. And no matter how many times I say it, it will end we get old to me. Saying he's beautiful is honestly an insult. Harry's alluring to the eye. Hypnotizing. Exquisite. "Baby wont you come my way." Niall sang dancing in the water. Liam chuckled placing a kiss on Niall cheek. Looking at them together made me jealous. Although I literally suggested that we be friends again, that doesn't mean I still don't want us to be more than that.

To see all of us having fun like we used to made me slightly emotional. I missed this. I missed us.

I turned my gaze back to Harry and he laughed spraying water towards Louis. A wondering spray gun was floating in the water. I grabbed onto it spraying Harry in the face.

He gasped turning away from Louis with an evil smirk on his face. "You Jerk."

A splash of water was in my face and I aimlessly sprayed it at Harry attempting to get him back. I always sucked at this. Every time. Not being able to take anymore water in my eyes I raised my hands up in defense and put my gun back in the water.

Behind Broken Walls (Zarry) GOING UNDER MAJOR EDITING*****Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora