Chapter 31

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"Well I was the thinking that in the future I...I know for a fact I'm definitely going to be a song-writer and I've been thinking I might possibly start my own management company or recording studio but that's far from now happily so I'll be taking a break and working with my friend Luke and hanging out with Harry." 


"You did so good Zayn!" Harry stated excitedly. "I'm so proud of you." I looked into his green eyes loving the way it made me calm down and placed as soft kiss on his forehead. The touch of his lips felt like a blanket that warmed my whole entire body. 

"I'm so thankful that i have you." 

Harry's eyes widened with a slight chuckle. "Wow, you're extra romantic aren't you." 

I scoffed. "I'm always romantic to you."

"Ehhh. If anything i'm more romantic." Harry laughed lightly. A lovely melody that could sweep away any instrument.

"I love you so so mu-"

"Hey Zayn!" I jumped up in my seat slightly when Louis sat his butt right next to me to the point where i couldn't even move my legs. 

This was an on going thing for Louis, Harry and I. Ever since the hospital, it's been kind of hard for him mentally and physically. When we got from the hospital and Louis had his food it was extremely difficult the first few weeks for him. He was so hesitant to take his pills. 





"Guys just goooo out. Have fun with your night of decorations, finding cakes and drinking. Louis and i will be fine." I whined pushing my friends and my soulmate out of the house. They pouted but before i could say anything else, i closed the door and started my night with a load of coughs. I hated that i was sick. It was torture. I haven't gotten sick in a long time. It was the worst i ever felt in years and on top of that louis just got out of the hospital and we were both feeling like garbage. 

I sighed taking the nyquil out of y pocket chugging down a gulp or two before putting it back in my saggy pants. As i walked upstairs of the dim light room, I could already feel myself getting extremely tired and feeling exhausted. "Guess its just you and me Louis." I said locking myself in my room before i could hear him respond to my statement.

I plopped down in my soft bed feeling it sink in, almost giving my back a massage . I moaned happily as i wrapped myself burrito style into my blanket drifting to sleep.


I turned in and out feeling myself fall out of my nap. The feeling of y sickness had gotten worse and my head was pounding even more. My lips felt glued together with snot and drool, I could've sworn, in some way, i poisoned myself tremendously. My whole body felt weak as i pushed myself to get up and go to the bathroom. As i got out of my room, walking closer and closer to the bathroom, i could hear whimpering, crying, sobbing and the moment i heard it i knew it was Louis. I opened the door to see something know one would ever wish to see on their friend. His eyes were bloodshot red, almost the same color as his blood on the floor and his eyes were filled with shock just as mine were. 

I didn't know how to react or feel. I just knew that i was furious and anger was taking over my body but also sadness. I had to compose myself as i stared at him. We stood there in silence and i believe he was waiting for my lecture which he was damn well about to get. 

"Louis. i don't know if you understand this...I don't even know what to say to you." I said in a stuffy tone, not even caring that snot might be dripping out of my nose. "Look, i learned the hard way. I got kicked out of the band because of what i did. I almost lost the love of my life and my friends. I had a mental breakdown just as you did and sent myself to the hospital and the doctor told me that if i had drunken anymore i could've died. I don't even know where i'm going with this. I just want you to hear me out. This is not what saves you. This does not do anything for you. If anything, it just breaks you. Look I know we were never close. Ever. We were friends. We did talk but we weren't as close as you or Niall but that doesn't mean I don't care about you. I do. If i didn't, I would've just left you here."

Louis sniffled as he looked at me. I grabbed his arm, standing him up so we could be face to face. Placing my hand, wrapped around his soft wet wrist, I turned on the water letting it sit in the sink. We had another moment of silence until he spoke up. "Why aren't you mad at me?"

I chuckled. "All because i'm quiet doesn't mean i'm not mad. Imagine how Niall would feel if you died today Louis."

He scoffed. "Niall wouldn't care."

"I think he would." I said rubbing my hand softly on his wrist. "He might not love you the way you want him to but you're his thread and Liam is his anchor. He insanely cares about you. I know he does but he loves Liam. Okay. One day you will find someone who is always there for you because they love you." I whispered. "Because they care and they want you safe. Don't do this to yourself. I know what it feels like to be locked down in your own hell. Get out of it Louis. For me. Please." I begged him as i turned off the water. His crystal blue eyes were no longer red and he wiped off the rest of his tears with his arm.

Louis sighed opening the cabinet, taking out his pills. He smiled softly looking up at me and i couldn't help but grin right back at him. "You've really changed Zayn."

"Thanks Lou."


"Hey Louis!" I said excitedly happy to see there was a smile on his face. "Could you maybe move over a little bit. I'm kind of squished."

"Yeah sure Zayn." Louis bit his lip as he moved closer to the window and i sighed happily feeling comfortable in my position.

Harry chuckled softly and ugh he was just so adorable. If were alone right now, I would make out with him until we both couldn't breathe. His laugh was so beautiful. I linked our hands together loving the way his skin touched mine. It was beautiful and i was in love with it. 

His smile lit up with happiness and i couldn't help smile with him, knowing it was because of me. Suddenly Niall and Liam walked into the car with giggles and I could see from the corner of my eye Louis frown. I placed my hand on his assuring him that it was okay softly rubbing his knuckles and he calmed down gently. 

"Wasn't that an interesting interview eh?" Niall said. He turned to look behind us and his grin dropped when he looked at Louis. "Is everything okay Lou Lou?" He asked. "Did you take your pills."

Louis sighed pinching his jeans. "I'm all out. I finished them yesterday."

"Ohh....." Niall trailed off. "Well would you like for me to come with you to get some more maybe tomorrow?" I cringed preparing myself for the major rejection he was about to feel.

"No it's fine. Zayn was going to go with me tomorrow to get my pills."

"Really? Are you sure? I mean, it's not exactly a problem."

"I want Zayn to come." He blurted out. "I'm more comfortable with him coming with me m'kay. Besides, you probably have some wedding plans you have to tend to."

Niall frowned and i could see how heartbroken he felt at the way Louis responded to him. He turned face forward in his chair mumbling an okay and we were off on our way to our hotel. The rest of the way was silent and poor Harry fell asleep on my shoulder.





how do you feel about how things are going so far

ugh my fingers are cramping from typing so much.


Behind Broken Walls (Zarry) GOING UNDER MAJOR EDITING*****Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora