6- The Cole's

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Kai Demoney Feburary 7, 2015 11:45 am The Cole's

The weekend is here and Mally had packed me up like his child and driven me to the Cole's. Since I have gotten pregnant I have morphed into a child. Mally monitors everything I do and makes sure he reports it too the Cole's. It's freaking ridiculous.

"If you need anything you know you can call me right?" Mally asks opening my door. I roll my eyes and take his hand, where he helps me step out. One of the other things I found aggravating. I'm just on the brim of two months.

"Yea whatever." He sighs and closes my door. Sensing my attitude.

"Don't be like that Kai. It's like having a child since you got pregnant. And I just need a lil break." I scoff. 'I don't ask you to treat me this way. You just do!' I scream inside my head.

I stand back quietly watching him open the backseat door. Picking up Kayden out the car. I decided to have her come with me. The Cole's were cool with it and I hadn't spent much time with her lately.

I watch her head drop a little off Mally's shoulder, she is in a pretty deep slumber. He grab her car seat out the back and sets it down on the ground, shutting the door afterward.
He then picks the car seat up and walks towards the Cole's door. Me lagging behind him with my lip poked out.

He sets the car seat on the porch, rings the doorbell, and steps back.
I walk on the porch and stand next to him. Waiting on someone to come to the door. Seconds later Mr. Cole comes to the door. He gives us a smile.

"Right on time." I nod.

"Yea, he couldn't wait to get rid of me." I smile. Mally shakes his head. Jay chuckles and walks out grabbing the car seat.

"Come in." He states walking into the house. I let Mally go in first before stepping in after him.

"Where can I lay her down?" Mally asks.

"Upstairs, in the guest room. It's the first door on your left." Mally nods and heads upstairs.

I looke around the house seeing that it is the same as when I seen it before. Then something hit me. 'Where is Danny?'

"Y'all got any bags?" I nod.

"Yea Mally probably will go get them."

"My nigga." I roll my eyes. Knowing that he was saying that because Malano won't let me carry anything heavy.

"I see you keeping tabs on her for me." Jay says to Mally who is now walking down the stairs.

Mally smiles and walks over to me. "I got to, Because she like a infant." They both chuckle. 'I wanna know what the fuck is so funny.'

"Ight well I'm about to go get they over night bags." Malano points towards the door.

"You need help?"

"Nah I got it." He walks out leaving just Jay and I.

"So where is Danny?"

"I meant to tell you. She had some last minute business in LA again. She won't be back until Monday. So it's just you, me, and your little sister this weekend. You cool with that?"

I nod. "Yea, definitely." I force a smile.

Mally then walks back in with the bags. Jay taking them from him afterward. As Jay walks upstairs to put the bags away. Mally takes this time to say goodbye.

"I love you." He says pulling me into a hug.

"Yea love you too." I mumble.

"Come on Kaiek. Don't be like that." He mumble grasping me into a hug. He then places a kiss on my forehead.

"Don't kiss me." I mumble.

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