14- Baby mama drama

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Jermaine Cole February 21, 2015 6:00 am Miami Dade Hospital

February 21 at 5:21 am Danny was pronounced dead. Kai was no where to be found and the person who confessed to all of this shit was Malano. Without my input he confessed to stabbing Danny. Feeling as though he had no other choice. The way he protects Kai, she lucky.
My family sat in the waiting room crying and giving me looks of sympathy. I ain't even acknowledge it. I ain't want her to die. I'm all out of tears and I can't speak.
I don't know if I should be mad at Kai or help her plead self defense. I wasn't about to let Lano go down for that shit and I know for a fact Kai wasn't either. As soon as we found her I knew she was gonna take responsibility. Especially if she know Malano trying to take the rap for it before she can oppose against the situation.
I just hope she ok. She was cut deep and walking around with my seed in her. After calling the ambulance Lano and I drove around looking for her. But she was no where to be found. I'm worried about her.
"Jermaine Cole?" Dr. Carter walked from around the corner.
The fuck he here for? He a family doctor.
"Wassup?" I asked standing up.
"How are you holding up? I'm sorry for your loss."
I nodded. "Yea me too. Was my wife." I mumbled.
"How is everyone? Kai in particular..."
"She good. Why?" The fuck he wanna know about her for?
"Well I meant the baby. I know all of this may be traumatizing for her." The fuck he mean. Do he know what Kai did?
"Why you say that?"
"I just seen her in room 240. It looked as if her arm was getting patched up. I didn't want to disturb h-" I pushed past him and rushed to the elevator.
Kai Demoney 6:13 am
"I don't know how it happened. Just please let Malano go. He wasn't the one who did it. It was me." I pleaded to the officer in front of me. They had just entered the room. Interrogating me with questions.
"He told us you would try to lie for him." I groaned.
"Please just listen." I paused for a second as a sharp pain ran through my arm. The medication they gave me wasn't working.
I walked around for awhile before making it to the hospital at 2 am.
I spent over 7 hours bleeding out. I just didn't know what to do. I had to get some strangers blood injected in me. The process of blood transfusion.
They also said had I procrastinated any longer..... My baby wouldn't be here.
My baby? It still feels weird to say.
"Malano is innocent. He would need a motive and she stabbed me!"
"Exactly, he confessed that he did it because she stabbed you."
"No! That's not true!"
"Ma'am please Calm down."
"No!" I shouted. By now I full on crying.
"Mally wouldn't do that! He's caring and loving! I'm the killer! I got it from my dad!" I exclaimed. "I coldheartedly plunged that knife into her stomach! With no remorse!" I cried. "I don't even care that I killed her! She tried to hurt my baby! And I don't regret defending that!"
They were quiet. Watching me blow up. "I come from a long line of psychotic, mentally unstable, people! My mother's a drugged up, easily influenced, low self esteem whore! My dad is a murder with a few screws loose. Not to mention my little baby, innocent, sister has cancer. She doesn't deserve that!" I paused for a second. Sniffing and carrying on. "I have every reason to be guilty." I whispered.

The officer cleared his throat. "You do know that means we have to take you in Mr. Demoney, correct?"

I nodded."Just as long as my baby is cared for I don't care."
Both officers sighed.
"Alright, when you are discharged in the morning. You will be headed downtown, we'll read you your rights. However for the moment we will preserve your image from the media by not handcuffing you. If you should get charged with the murder of Danny Cole. Then we have no choice but to release the information."
The other officer cleared his throat with the finishing explanation. "We still can't let Mr. Camabrige out until we further investigate and gain witnesses."
I sighed. Knowing that was all I could do.
"We will be back first thing in the morning. Give you time to say your goodbyes and contact your attorney." I nodded. They left my room, which I greatly appreciated. I needed time to think.
But as soon as they left someone else came in.
I looked up from my lap to see Jay walking in.
I was dreading this moment. I didn't know if he was mad at me or if he was hurt. I'm sure both.
I slightly bit my lip and watching as he placed his hands in his pockets, stopping right next to my bed.
"How you feeling?"
"I'm good they patched me all up." I whispered.
"How about my baby?"
"Fine." I answered simply. I wasn't dare going to tell him I almost killed his baby. Then I'm sure he'd be really mad at me.
He nodded and looked around at the various tubes I was hooked up too. I fiddled with my hands not knowing what to say next.
"I confessed." I mumbled.
"Confessed what?" I cleared my throat.
"That... You know... I killed your wife. Which I am deeply sorry for you.... However..... I-I don't regret defending my baby." I admit.
He nodded. "I know. It's crazy ma. I'm hurt, don cried for hours. But I still don't know if I should be mad at you. Or even if I can..... You carrying my seed."
"I wouldn't blame you if you couldn't forgive me. After all I killed your wife. Emphasis on killed. I didn't mean to but I don't regret it....... Which worries me."
"She came at you first, though. But still I don't know if I can forgive you. I'm not mad but at the same time you killed her." I sighed and looked down. I was ashamed because I disappointed him. "So what they say?"
"Well... They're coming to get me once I'm discharged. They're gonna take me in without handcuffs and they can't let Mally go until they find a witness.... Which is you." He huffed.
"I ain't tryna see you in jail ma. Especially not while you pregnant with my kid."
"I know but I can't let Mally take the rap for this, they'll go easier on me than him. Probably try him with life or something. What would possess him to do such a thing anyway?" I looked up at Jay and he shrugged.
"He loved you without limits. To him you were his family." What he said was true.
"Exactly which is why I have to return the favor. And I need you to testify against me to get Mally out." He looked at me as if I had lost my mind.
"Hell nah. I ain't doing that shit."
"Please, please I need you to do this for me."
"I'm sorry ma I ain't down with putting my baby mama in jail." I sighed.
"Ok so you rather it be an innocent man?"
"He put his self in that position."
I groaned. "Jay please?" I begged. He continued to shake his head. I rolled my eyes and sat back in my bed.
We sat quiet for a moment. He wouldn't leave and I couldn't so... Here we were, consumed in our thoughts.
Then Jay spoke. "I can show them the cameras set up in my living room. But I ain't snitching." It wasn't a witness but it was a start at the truth. How can they deny video proof.
"Thank you."
"One condition... I'm getting you the best lawyer." I furrowed my eyebrows.
"But why?" He was a little too supportive. I just killed his WIFE!
"Because I care about you and my kid well being."
"Wouldn't that make you look really bad though?"
"I don't care. Ain't nobody paying My bills so they shouldn't be worried." He gave a small smile.
I nodded back. "Ok."

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