4-The Appointment

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Kai Demoney January 23, 2015 7:30 am Home

On this faithfully, present morning. I am prepping to find out if I am pregnant. The at home test came out positive, but we still don't know for sure. My mind is flooded with thoughts of the possibilities as I prepare a healthy meal for myself.

I have to eat light this morning, so my breakfast is an Orange a few strawberries and half a pack of oatmeal. Out of the kindness of my heart. I cook Malano breakfast as well. He decided he would come with me for emotional support. So in curtesy of his generosity I am cooking him a big breakfast.

"Mally!" I scream. I really can't afford for him to make me late.

A few seconds after calling him, his door opens. Only to reveal Claire walking Out in one of his t-shirts. I sigh deeply. 'He would pick this very important morning.'

"Hey girly." She smiles walking into the kitchen.

"Hey Claire, I didn't know you were here."

"Yea well it was last minute. I wanted to come in and say hi but Malano said you were sleep."

'He's such a liar. When he got in last night he came in my room to say goodnight. he must've sent her straight to his room.' I think to myself.

"Yea, so I see you finally got that date Huh?"

"Well it wasn't really a date per say."

'Yea, I know. Malano doesn't do dates. Idiot.' I laugh to myself.

"Really, and you slept with him already?"

"Well, he said that he wanted to just stay in and chill. So I said ok and having sex wasn't the plan but it happened anyway."

'Yea it wasn't your plan. But Mally knew what he wanted from the beginning.'

"And he is amazing in bed." She mouths to me. With a raise of my eyebrow, I nod.

"Well that's my cue to mind my business. Where is Malano?"

"He's taking a shower."

"Oh, ok. Well I'm sorry I didn't know you were here. So I only made breakfast for Malano and I."

"Oh that's ok." She waves me off with a big smile. "I'll make my own breakfast."

'Ok this bitch is a little too comfortable.' She walks over to the fridge and begins to gaze around in it.

"Woah! slow down there cowgirl. One step at a time." She looks back at me in confusion. I half smile and walk over to her, placing my hands on her shoulders. She slowly lifts up and I push the fridge door closed with my foot.

"So here is the thing. Malano and I have some business to attend to this morning." I begin to walk her towards Malano's door. "So if you really must eat. You need to do that at home. Where you have the freedom to cook whatever you want."

"Oh, ok."

"Yea and Malano really adores a girl who can leave without having to be told to. He likes to chase." We stop in front of his door. "So really this is a win win situation for all of us. We get to handle business and you get to go home and have Malano wrapped around your finger." I smile and open the door.

"Thanks for understanding. Now hurry up and get dressed so you could be gone by the time he gets out the shower." I watch as she walks into the room before I walk back to the kitchen.

"Unbelievable." I mumble.

I didn't lie to her nor did I lead her in the wrong direction. Malano really is gonna be surprised when he sees she left. I could have let him ask her himself, but I have important business to attend to. I can't be late. It doesn't matter anyway. He probably would have asked me to do it anyway.

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