Chapter Three

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* I will be making a Spotify playlist for this book. The link should hopefully be in the next update.

Happy Reading

We arrived at the club , Amare , thankfully. The car ride was completely silent and awkward.

Being the gentleman , he appeared to be Matteo got out of the car and opened my door for me. I followed behind silently as he pulled me towards the entrance , where a big bulky bouncer stood along with a line that wrapped around the building.

Shit. We are going to be standing out here forever.

Heading towards the bouncer , Matteo greeted him and pulled me inside the club.

Inside , house music vibrated within the club. I followed Matteo to the bar.
" I'll have a whiskey ,on the rocks ", he told the bartender". " I'll take a bloody mary please ", I spoke .

Once we got our drinks , he led me to a section at the top of the club. I sat down in the booth, taking a sip of my bloody Mary.

" I'll be right back beautiful , just wait here " , he said quickly. I watched as he turned down a long dark hallway.

Jesus.We weren't even an hour into the date and he was already ditching me.

Pulling out my phone I texted Mina.

Me: Guess who's sitting by herself in the club?

Mina: Shit. You managed to run him off already ? ( :

That bitch.

Me: Hahaha. Not funny! You really know how to pick them.

Mina:  : S

I didn't bother texting her back.
I watched as people danced below through the glass floors.

I had drank so much that I had the overwhelming need to pee, so I got up in search of the restrooms. I decided to go the same way Matteo went.

I found the restroom nestled in between two other rooms. I went in and did my business. As I was washing my hands , I could hear voices shouting on the opposite side of the wall.

I leaned against it and listened.
" I don't give a fuck , about what he has to say.", voice number one shouted. " Well I don't give a fuck about what you have to say " , Matteo voice echoed throughout the room. "Well then, it seems we are at an impasse", the first voice replied quietly. Then out of nowhere a gunshot rang out, scaring me so badly I hit my knee into the wall.

The noise echoed loudly.

Fuck. I hope no one heard me.

I listened in longer , waiting to hear Matteo's voice , but it never came.
Realizing something was wrong, I ran to the door , my heels clicking loudly within the room.

As I opened the door I was met with angry , blue eyes.

Fuck blind dates.

Yay! It's finally getting interesting !!!!

We will meet Mr. Sexy next chaptahh

Until then,


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