Chapter Four

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* Listen to the song in the media box, while reading it totally fits!

***Dante in the media box!

Played by the sexy Brock O'hurn

******Mature Content Below******

If Matteo was the sex god , then this guy must be the sex Messiah. Electric blue eyes , a 5 o'clock shadow , and muscles , made for a deadly combination. Not to mention he towered over 5"1 height,blocking me from my exit.

Damn. Armani never looked so good on a man before.

" Uhmm , hello Mr.Tall dark and dangerous, Im just going to leave , kay." , I spoke quietly.

" No , your going to stay right here and answer some questions ", his deep voice spoke.

Not even registering the fact that he told me no , I watched as he took a step towards me. I decided it was in my best interest to take several steps back, tripping on my heels.

He smirked.

" What were you doing in here", he asked.

"What do normal women do in the restroom, genius ?", I replied , smartly .

This clearly made him angrier , so he came quickly towards me , making me back up straight into a wall.

Two hands slammed on either side of the wall behind me. I could feel his breath on my ear, as he whispered to me , " What is your name ?".

Deciding not to back down, I quipped back " What's your's ? ".

He blessed me with another one of those million dollar smirks .

" My name is Dante Capello , now answer my question ", he says.

" Amila , my name is Amila .", I said quickly.

" Amila" , he spoke my name as if he testing it out.
" What's your last name , Amila", he asked tersley.

" I was only told to answer one of your questions , Dante ", I replied.

Anger ignited within his eyes.

" Tell me your last name. ", he yelled.

" Fuck you ", I shouted back.

At that moment I realized I made a huge mistake, because Dante grabbed my face and kissed me.

You know how in the movies when the couple kisses , the girl says she hears fireworks, well I swear to you a nuclear bomb went off somewhere in the world.

His tongue roamed my mouth leaving the taste of spearmint lingering within it. I figured if he could shove his tongue in my mouth then I could shove mine in his. It was as if our tongues were wrestling each other for dominance.

His won.

His lips left mine , only to latch on to my neck. I moaned appreciatively and grabbed two handfuls of his hair , guiding him lower.

Thank god for the deep V neck.

Feeling his mouth on my breast , suddenly my brain decided to start working again . Using his distraction as an advantage I raised my leg and kneed him in the balls.

Fuck yeah. I'm good.

I ran out of the restroom leaving him groaning .

Did I mention how much I hated blind dates.


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