Chapter Thirty-Two

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Italian Translation
Pericolo - Danger
Puttana - Bitch/ Whore
Zio - Uncle
Zia - Aunt

Enjoy. ☺

Amila POV

" Mama kissed my forehead and began to tuck me tightly into my comforter. She began to sing, her voice quickly lulling me to sleep.  "Goodnight Mama,  see you in the morning, I whispered finally.

I was suddenly jolted from my sleep, by my papa. " Sophia, I need you to hide in our special place until I give you the codeword,  capiche , he whispered, pushing me into the crawl space inside of my closet. I obeyed, scared for what was to come. I began to recite the "our father" prayer,  quietly.

Suddenly the sound of gunshots, rang out across the room. "Any last words,  puttana ", a man's voice asked. " The only puttana,  is you. I see your bent over taking it up the ass ,  for your master.,  my father retorted laughing.  The other man began laughing. " Maybe little Sophia will bend over and take it up the ass for me",  he said angering my father. I peeked out the hole to see five men restraining my papa and another guy holding a gun at his head.  Tear's formed heavily in my eyes. I watched as papa turned towards my hiding spot and whispered " Pericolo". 
I quickly climbed out of the hole and slipped out of the window. I landed in the garden and began running to the neighbors house,  the sounds of gunshots ringing out behind me.  I ran to the front door,  and began to ring the doorbell. Zia Amelia answered picking me up into her arms. " Sophia what's going on ? ", she asked. " Pericolo Pericolo Mama papa", I rushed crying heavily. " Paolo, come quickly",  my Zia yelled calling zio Paolo. He came down the stairs quickly.
"Sophia, what's happened, Bella? ",  he asked.  "Pericolo,Zio",  I whispered pointing in the direction of my home. He began to run to my house,  my aunt and I behind him. We were too late
though, because my once home was up in flames. "

"Shit", I yelled waking up from the nightmare inside of my head.

All eyes were on me.

" Amila, how are you feeling? ",  Carter asked concerned.

"Im fine. Where is Dante? ",  I asked.

Carter and Vincenzo, shared a look, before answering me.

"Dante went on a mission to take care of some stuff,  but as of two days ago he's gone rogue. He won't answer any calls or tell us his location. So all we can do is wait for him to check back in. ", Carter spoke calmly.

I nodded.

Freaking out won't do anything to help the situation.

The idea of something bad happening to Dante made me hurt.

A headache began to form.

"Why does my head hurt so badly? ",  I asked massaging my temples.

"You passed out earlier and hit your head. We had a doc come check you out, and you're gonna be fine", Carter replied.

Well then.

Vincenzo's phone began to ring loudly making my headache worst. He excused himself from the room, taking on the phone, quietly.

" I know that you're hiding something. ", Carter spoke.


"I don't know what the hell you are talking about. ",  I replied angrily.

He smirked.

" All things done in the dark,  will come to light, Amila. ",  he responded, leaving me alone in my bedroom.



I needed to figure out how to keep my secret a secret for a bit longer.

Grabbing my puppy from the floor, I snuggled him into my chest and fell fast asleep.

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