Chapter Twenty

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So look guys I love you , but you guys have got to stop stressing me about updates. I didn't update as early today because my grandma was only in town for the day , she will always come before an update. I will always try to update on schedule!!! Any who I still love y'all though !


Dante POV

"The feud between the Giudice family and the Capello family began years ago with our great great grandparents. My great great grandfather ,Vincenzo Capello, was the capo of our family. He was one of the two most feared men , the other being Luciano Giudice , Nicklaus's great great grandfather. Vincenzo and Luciano had been best friends since birth , following in their father's footsteps. Until the day Luciano learned he had a younger sister as a result of his fathers infidelity. Her name was Marianna, and she caught every mans eye with her beauty. Only one man got her heart in the end ,it was Vincenzo. No one approved of their relationship , so they eloped to Italy together,causing war to break out between the families. The Giudice's have vowed to get revenge since that day."

I watched Amila's face scrunch up in confusion.

" What does that have to do with you and Nicklaus", she inquired.

I growled at her speaking his name.

She glared back at me.


Why did I have to get involved with such a curious woman?, I thought to myself.

I heard her frustrated huff at my silence.

" Nicklaus tricked my baby sister Gabriella, into falling in love with him seven years ago. I haven't seen her since the night she left" , I spoke quietly , remembering our fight.

Seven years before..

" Please Dante , don't do this to me", Gabriella spoke begging for my blessings .

" Basta , don't you realize I'm doing this to save you Gabriella", I replied angrily.

Tears fell heavily from her blue eyes at my words, as she stood up in front of my desk.

" If you won't give me your blessings for marriage, then I will run away with Nicklaus", she threatened me.

Slamming my hands down harshly, I stood towering above her.

" Don't even think about it Gabriella, if you try to leave I will lock you in your bedroom", I shouted making her jump.

" Fuck you Dante , I hate you " , she screamed slamming my office door shut .

" She left that night and has not returned since" , I whispered to Amila.

Tears were flowing freely down Amila's face.

" I'm so sorry Dante " , Amila whispered sobbing.

I didn't know how to react. No one had ever cried for me.

" Its nothing for you to worry yourself about " , I replied with no emotion.

Eventually, she stopped crying and looked up at me seriously.

" So you're in the mafia too ?" , she asked surprising me.

I had hoped she wouldn't pick up on that fact.

" Yes Bella , and what do you mean by too?", I responded.

Her face went red ,letting me know she was about to lie to me.

" Oh nothing, it was a mistake of words" , she replied quickly , looking guilty.

I stood up , and walked to her.

" Don't lie to me Amila. Whom else do you know that's in the mafia", I spoke grabbing her face so she would look me straight in the eyes.

She shook her head , angrily replying " It is not my story to tell, Dante".

Pulling her closer to me , I smirked at her disobedience.

" Then tell me who's story it is , Amila. Unless you want me to go digging for the person myself", I whispered .

I watched as she contemplated whether or not to tell me.

" I want the answer now ", I shouted scaring her.

" It is Amina's story. That's all I will tell you Dante ", she replied quietly, guilt written across her face .

Lol! If you haven't already , go read Lussuria ( Amina's story), she has some secrets.

Also book #3 Inganno may or may not be Gabriella's story

Next update: late tomorrow because I will be writing a chapter for lussuria early.

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