Chapter Thirty

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So sorry for the long wait but I had serious writers block. Anywhere here's a short filler chapter. Im working on 31 right now too.


Amila POV

I watched as my best friend lay sleeping in bed, peacefully.


This was all my fault.

My best friend almost died because of me. Seeing her motionless in a pool of blood, scared the living hell out of me.

My thoughts were interrupted by Carter entering the bedroom.

"Amila, you need to go rest. I will watch over her, and if she wakes up, i will come get you. ", he spoke quietly.

I nodded and looked back at her sleeping, one more time.

Closing the door quietly behind me, I watched as Dante's men, carried boxes in.

What the hell is going on?

Suddenly Dante appeared in front of me, blocking me from the view.

"What's in the boxes, they're carrying in ? ", I asked.

Dante frowned at my question.

"Nothing for you to worry about, Bella. ", he responded quickly.

I knew he was hiding something really important.

" If you say so. I'm going to take a shower and go to bed. ", I responded, leaving him in the hallway.

I walked quietly to our bedroom down the other hall, holding back my anger.

He was hiding things from me again.

I shut the door quickly and made my way to the closet, in search of pajamas.

I grabbed a black tank and some boxers with stripes.

As the hot water hit my back, I tried to relax mentally. After 20 minutes of trying to relax, I gave up and got out of the shower.

I threw on my pajamas quickly, and turned off the bathroom lights.

Dante was already in bed, sitting up in only a pair of flannel pajama pants.

I lay on the bed, on my side facing away from him. I felt his hand on my bare leg, making little circle patterns with his fingers.

" I'm not in the mood tonight, Dante", I spoke, while pushing his hand away.

I heard him grunt angrily, at my statement.

I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

Have you ever woken up and known something was wrong?

Will that was me this morning. I knew something was wrong, immediately.

Dante was gone from the bed before I woke up, which was rare. I looked around the room for signs of danger, quickly.

I got up from the bed and went into the closet. I grabbed a pair of dark denim , ripped skinny jeans, and a black crop, tank.

That's when I noticed Dante's side of the closet was practically empty, save for a couple of his suits.


I changed quickly and ran out of the room.

I could hear voices below so I took the stairs two at a time.

The living room was empty and surprisingly quiet.

I pushed the kitchen door open, letting it slam against the wall loudly.

" Good Morning, Amila", Vicenzo said smiling at me.

"Don't Good Morning me. Where the hell is Dante? ", I yelled angrily.

He smirked.

"My brother is away on business, and won't be back for a week or two. ", he responded.

He was lying.

" I know you're lying to me, and I'm going to find out where Dante went. ", I replied, leaving the kitchen.

I went back upstairs to check on Amina.

She lay wide awake and silent in bed, staring off into nowhere.

"Amina, I'm so sorry this happened to you. ", I whispered squeezing her tight.

" No, I'm sorry for keeping information from you, and lying to you", she replied, returning the hug.

"I love you, and you better not ever fucking scare me like that again, kay? ", I told her smiling.

She nodded, while rolling her eyes.

"I have one quick question. ", she said looking at me seriously.

I raised my eyebrow, in response.

"Which one of the Hot Meatball Brothers got me undressed? ", she continued, trying not to laugh.

I erupted into uncontrollable laughter, leaving her to rest

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