Chapter Six

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******* Mature Content*********
Heavy breathing echoed throughout my room.

Dante's hands wandered quickly down my body, making me shudder.

" Tell me you don't want me too , and I'll stop" , Dante whispered in my ear.

I couldn't respond.

Delightful pressure intensified , when Dante's fingers made their way into my panties. His fingers pleasuring me with little sparks.

" Please , Dante", I begged .

He sped up his hand movements bringing me closer to climax.

" Feel how wet you are for me , Mia Bella" , he spoke .

Clutching his shirt tightly , I silently begged for release.

" I bet you want me to make you cum", he spoke as his finger entered me .

I had no response.

" I would probably have let you cum , if you weren't such a naughty girl, he said , suddenly removing his fingers from my sopping wet p***y.

I was suddenly thrown on my California king size bed , roughly.

Before I could register what happened , I was flipped on to my stomach.

" Now you have two choices , Amila" he spoke . " You can let me punish you , and then make you scream , or you can just get punished, either one is fine with me " , he continued, climbing on the bed.

I laid there silently, with his impatience growing.

" Decide now , or I'll do it for you ", he growled.

I ignored him , causing him to lose his temper.

My silk robe was suddenly ripped from my body.Leaving me in black lace lingerie.

I felt his hand travel up and down the crack of my ass. Suddenly a resounding slap echoed throughout the room, surprising me.

" Did you just spank me " , I asked questioningly.

Turning around to see his response I watched as he shrugged his shoulders and smirked.

" What are you going to do about it" he asked sexily.

As I made a move to get up ,he pressed me down , straddling my legs within his.

He irked the shit out of me with his bossy additude.

His lips traveled a dangerous trail down my neck, to my breasts. I grabbed handfuls of his sexy hair.

Quick resourceful , hands removed my bra. Immediately his lips bent down to capture my nipple between his lips.

I squirmed under him , so that our bodies would grind against each other.

He grunted and switched breasts .

I begged and pleaded for more , and he relished in it.

His lips left my nipple to lick a path down my stomach.

My breath hitched when his tongue met the edge of my panties.

He spread my legs wide as he reigned kisses down my thighs.

" Ready for your punishment, yet" he asked huskily , his breath hitting my core.

"Fuck Yes .....Please",I pleaded .

" Good , while I am playing , I don't want you to cum", he said , leaning in closer to my center.

Before I could respond, my panties disappeared and his mouth took their place.

His mouth sucked my clit , harder and harder each time.

With each tug , my orgasm was closer.

" Keep your eyes on me , now" , he yelled , as his tongue entered me, and I came all over it.

I was in trouble.


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