Chapter Twenty-Five

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Long time no see right? Lol. I'm back for good. Any who I'm starting a movement, called Its Not Me , Its You. If you are interested in being a writer in it just message me for more details. If you are interested in being an artist for it , also message me.

Back to the story

Amila POV

There is no way fucking possible that what Dante just told me is true.

I only remember my adoptive parents , they told me that I was 6 when they got me. I don't remember anything before meeting them.


The bedroom door opened suddenly , Amina came rushing in.

" Amila , please I didn't mean to"....

" Get out", I whispered angrily at her.

I watched as she flinched at the venom in my voice, yet she didn't leave.

Turning away from her , I sat staring at the French doors. Tears raining heavily down my face.

" Before I go , I just wanted to give this to you" , she spoke quietly , leaving an envelope on the bed behind me.

" I'm so sorry Amila", she whispered , leaving me alone once again.

Tears that I had been keeping in control , no longer were held back. I allowed myself to cry for the first time in years

I cried for my adoptive parents who died in a car accident .

I cried because the one man whom managed to get past the walls around my heart , was a liar.

I cried because the person that I thought I was , is a lie.

A fucking lie.

I curled into fetal position on the floor near the bed.

My heart hurt , and my mother wasn't there to put a band aid on it.

I remember the first thing she told me when I came home crying because the boy I liked , didn't like me back.
" Amila , boys are gonna come and go. They're going to make your heart hurt, but I'm always gonna be there to put a band aid on it and kiss it better", she spoke hugging me tight.

Three nights later they both died in a car accident.

My mom would be so disappointed in me right now. She would pick me up off the floor and tell me to stop crying.

Calming down a little bit, I climbed on the bed and allowed myself to fall asleep.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------

Amila POV

I don't know how long I slept for , but when I woke up Dante was sitting on the bed beside me.

Ignoring him , I got up and went into the closet.
I grabbed a sports bra ,yoga shorts, and a pair of panties,going back into the bedroom.

Dante was no longer in the room.
I took a quick shower and got dressed.
I left my curly locks wet and lightly towel dried them, then I secured them in a messy bun on top of my head.

I began to study myself in the mirror.
I had large dark circles under each eye. My skin was sort of pale, causing me to look sickly.


I pulled on my Nike running shoes and some sunglasses.

I began down the stairs quickly , trying to get out without anyone noticing.

As I got to the front door , I was stopped by someone clearing their throat loudly. I turned to find Carter , behind me.

" Where do you think you are going , passerotta ?" , he asked ,smirking at my attempt to escape.

I didn't have a chance to reply because Vincenzo walked into the room.

He raised a single eyebrow at my outfit and shook his head laughing.

" You are not going anywhere , looking like that.", he said , leaning up against the wall.

Fucking assholes.

" Listen here meatball 1 and meatball 2 , I've got permission to leave so let me go.", I yelled angrily.

" Permission eh? From who?", Vincenzo asked .


Think of something quick.

" From Dante ", I blurted out quickly.

" Oh really? How about I call him and confirm that statement", he asked , while beginning to call Dante.

I watched as he listened into the phone , while watching me like a hawk.

Suddenly Vincenzo handed me the phone.
" He wants to talk to you", he spoke.

I put the phone up to my ear, waiting for Dante to speak.

" Put on the damn sweater , now. Or else .", he whispered angrily, hanging up the phone.

I grabbed the pink zip hoodie from Carter's hand, and pulled it on.

I zipped it up midway and looked at the men in front of me for approval.

" Oh you forgot something else too". , Carter said , digging in his pocket.

He placed something in the palm of my hand. It was the wedding ring , Dante had given me to wear.

I slid it on angrily and gave both men the finger.

Opening the door I began to jog down the stairs.

I didn't want to look back.

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