Chapter Seven

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So I just wanted to thank my readers because I never believed that anyone would actually read this book.

- Listen to the song in the media box!!

-I'm looking for an editor so if you know one or are one please message me!
- I have lots of free time so if you would like a book read , message me.
-I like reading comments , so comment.
- As a gift to you I'm going to put up 3 chapters tonight!

Thanks Again!


Mila POV

" What did I tell you Mila" , Dante asked angrily.

Need I mention his tongue was still in unmentionable places.

" What the fuck was I supposed to do Dante , hold it in" , I quipped.

I watched as his eyes lit up in anger.


" You were supposed to do what I told you to do ", he shouted.

Insert bossy additude here.

"Whatever", I grumbled.

I watched as his head left from between my legs and he wiped his face. He stood up, quickly straightening his leather jacket on his broad shoulders.

" Get up , get dressed , you have five minutes" he spoke quickly.

Again with the bossiness.

" Since when do you think you can tell me what to do , and I will listen" , I yelled at him.

He responded with a shrug and " Now you only have four minutes".

Fucking Dick.

I headed back into my closet ,grabbing my purse as I went. Once inside , I went in search of my phone, only to find it missing.

" If your looking for your cellphone , you are going to be sorely disappointed" , a voice outside the closet shouted.


I guess my only choice is to go along with that bossy asshole.

I grabbed a pair of ripped jeans, a white T-shirt, a new pair of black panties , and my leather jacket.

Throwing it all on , I slid on my black leather ankle boots. Looking in the mirror I saw a hickey on my neck and groaned. I quickly pulled my curly mane into a messy bun atop my head.

I looked badass.

Just as I pulled a leopard scarf around my neck , Dante's voice told me my time was up.

" I'm coming you impatient asshole" , I shouted .

As a result of my smart mouth , my closet door was kicked in.

" Was that really necess..", I was quickly cut off by two hands around my throat, and my back shoved against the drawers.

" Shut up , because I have had enough of your smartass mouth, capiche", he whispered in my ear.

Fuck my life.


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