Chapter Twenty-one

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Hi guys! So I'm officially over being sick. Idk what was wrong with me ?
Damien says he thinks it was food poisoning. Anywho , please check out my page for this weeks updating schedule.


Amila POV

To say that Dante was mad would be an understatement.

I watched as he threw his whiskey glass across the room.

His eyes were ablaze with anger.

" How dare you keep something so important from me?", he asked angrily.

I could not believe this asshole.

" Are you fucking joking right now?", I shouted. " You have been keeping secrets from me since I got here , you asshole", I continued.

He grabbed my chin forcefully.

" Don't speak to me like that ever fucking again", he shouted.

I rolled my eyes in response.

Who did this asshole think he was?

" Fuck you Dante , and fuck your rules, I'm done playing these games with you.", I yelled .

He released my chin and pushed me away .

Fucking jerk face.

I began for the door to the office, when I heard a click sound,behind me.

I turned around to see Dante holding a gun to my head.

" If you are no longer going to keep your part of the deal , then neither am I ", he spoke .

This was a side of Dante I hated.

" So your gonna kill me then? Go ahead and do it then asshole.", I whispered .

Surprise lit up in his eyes, though he kept his poker face.

" Do it , goddammit", I yelled waiting for his finger to pull the trigger.

I watched as his trigger finger began to pull back slowly.

I closed my eyes and waited.

" I'm Sorry ,Bella", Dante whispered.

The darkness took over quickly.

(End of Chapter)

Just Kidding lol.

Amila POV

I could hear voices whispering angrily to each other.

" Am I dead yet ?" , I asked with my eyes still shut.

The arguing stopped immediately, at my statement.

" Amila wake up , babe", Amina's voice spoke.

I opened my eyes to see her big green ones staring down at me.

" How the hell are you here ,right now?" , I croaked.

She looked around nervously.

" Mila , there's a lot of shit I gotta tell you", she whispered guiltily.

" Then tell me", I yelled back.

I watched as she stood up and started pacing.

" I really really want to tell you , but their are certain factors preventing me from doing that.", she said nervously.

" What are those factors ?", I replied.

" Well one of them is the two mafia meatballs , that are listening in to our conversation", she said nervously.

I looked around the room I was in.
There were no windows in the room at all. One single door was a the only exit . Two small chairs sat in the corner of the room. I lay in a king sized bed, with all white bedding.

" What do you mean? Are you saying this room is bugged?", I whispered.

She looked at me as if to say "duhh".


Why the hell would Dante be listening into our conversations?

" I know my fake husband is one of those meatballs, but whom is the other?", I asked curiously.

She smirked.

" Its my boss", she said shrugging.

My mouth hung open in surprise.

" The "Asshole" is a mafia meatball?", I asked seriously.

She nodded in response.

" It gets better though. He's not just any mafia meatball , but he's brothers with your meatball", she says nonchalantly.

Holy shitballs.

" Wait, let's get something straight. Dante is not my meatball, Kay bitch?",I replied angrily.

She rolled her eyes at my statement.

" He isn't. Would any man of mine shoot me?" I yelled back at her.

" All I'm gonna tell you is that , Dante..."

We were interrupted by the bedroom door slamming open.

Two very angry Italian men stood before us.

" You", he said pointing at Amina, "Get Out".

We looked at each other in surprise.

Before Amina could mouth off at him, a very tall man grabbed her and threw her over his shoulder, walking out .

It was just Dante and I now.

He stood at the end of the bed , wearing only a pair black sweatpants.


The man tried to kill me and all I could think about was fucking him.

" For your information Bella, I did not shoot you, I shot the man behind you", he said , grabbing my leg and pulling him down to him.

We were pressed up to each other, and my heart began to beat furiously.

" Nothing has changed Dante . I still do not want to play games with you", I whispered into his ear.

He grabbed my face and replied " That's where you're wrong ,baby. Everything has changed".

Then our lips met.

Steamy scene next update!!

See schedule on my page for updates.

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