Chapter Twenty -Seven Pt 1⃗

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I have officially casted Dante , as the sexy Brock O'Hurn. Im still struggling with Amila, so comment some suggestions . Anywho its short but enjoy.


" I was laying under my Hello Kitty comforter, looking up at the glowing stars on the ceiling. I could hear Mama and Papa arguing in their bedroom. Mama was yelling at Papa for putting us in danger. I don't know what she meant by that. Their yells became louder, scaring me. I began to whimper and cry, very loudly. Mama suddenly appeared in the doorway of my room, looking concerned. " Sophia, what are you doing up at this time", she asked picking me up into her arms. " It scares me when you and Papa fight, mama", i whispered into her chest. " Im sorry Bella, but sometimes mamas and papas fight, understand? That doesn't mean we love you any less, because you are the greatest blessing we've received", she spoke hugging me tighter. " I love you to the moon and back, mama", I whispered to her, falling asleep. " There is nothing that could amount to how much love I have for you", she whispered back, laying me in my bed. "

I sat up in the tub suddenly, coming from underwater. The empty bottle of whiskey lay on the floor beside the tub.


In the words of The Geordie Shore cast, I was " bloody mortal".

The water had begun to get cold so I decided to get out. Grabbing a large, fluffy towel, I wrapped it around my body tightly.

I walked into the bedroom, expecting to see Dante waiting for me, but it was empty. Opening the bedroom door a little bit, I saw two large men sitting on either side pf the door.

I cleared my throat to get their attention. Two sets of eyes glanced over my body at my state of undress.

" Hi, eyes up here.", I said pointing at my face. They began to apologize but I cut them off " Where is my husband? ", I asked.

" Sorry Mrs. Capella but we were told not to tell you anything ", Bodyguard #1 spoke.

I nodded and closed the door shut behind me.
I went into the closet and pulled a pair of green, lace cheekies from the drawer.

Pulling them on under the towel, I grabbed my black silk robe from the hanger.

After putting on the robe, I went to lay down on the bed.

The dream I had in the bathroom, seemed way too fucking real. Which meant it wasn't a dream but an actual memory.


That means that i am really Sophia.

Deep down in my heart i knew i was Sophia but i didn't think i was going to actually ever admit it.

I don't know what to do, not to mention i was getting a massive fucking headache.

This changes everything .

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