Chapter Twenty-Seven Pt 2

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You asked , and you shall receive.

Listen to the song with it!

*Warning* Hot Damila moment below

Amila POV

I must have fallen into a druken slumber, because i was scared out of my sleep when Dante slammed the bedroom door.

The sound made the pounding in my head so fucking unbearable.

"Shit , no loud noises, I'm so fucking hungover", i pleaded , holding my head in my hands.

He stopped at the end of the bed and began to stare at me.

" Could you stop fucking staring and get me a damn advil ?", i spoke quietly.

He still didn't move from his place , at the end of the bed.

" Did you consider the fact that you could be pregnant before you drank yourself into stupor", he spoke angrily.

Shit. Did he not understand that I had a fucking headache?

" Stop with the goddamn yelling , please", I asked , my patience wearing thin. " And for your information I'm on birth control asswipe. You know those pretty little blue pills i take every morning at the same time?", i continued angrily.

He didn't respond .

I watched as he went into the bathroom , and returned with two Advils.

I took them from him and took them down quickly, drinking water after.

" Thank you, Dante", i said quietly.

He looked at me with curiosity , and replied " Your  Welcome".

Then suddenly he grabbed me by my ankle and pulled me down to the end of the bed.

" Why are you wearing a robe in bed?", Dante asked as his hand trailed up my thigh.

" Why shouldn't i wear a robe in bed", i asked , trying to ignore the sensations his fingers were leaving behind.

He smiled at my attitude.

" What did i tell you about that smart mouth of yours", he said undoing the ties of my robe.

His hands began to roam my body, appreciatively.

I moaned at the sparks , that kissed my skin as his hands explored.

" Don't tease me , Dante", i whispered as he took a single nipple into his mouth.

He began to laugh sending vibrations to my breast.

" Why not ? You decided to tease me , wearing a robe and absolutely nothing underneath.", he whispered into my ear , his tongue licking a path back down my body.

"Please", i begged , spreading my legs wider allowing Dante to mold our bodies together.

He began to play with my nipples , alternating between sucking and pinching them.

I grinded up against him , my panties becoming drenched in the process. His mouth trailed kisses down my stomach , stopping at my panty line.

I grabbed two handfuls of Dante's hair in ecstasy. His teeth pulled my panties away from my body.

Oh fuck.

This man would make me orgasm just by using his mouth.  I watched as he threw my panties across the room , and began removing his clothes.

His rock hard body was revealed to me piece by piece.

And let me tell you , every part of his mouth-watering body , was rock hard.

" Touch yourself , Bella " , he spoke seductively.

I nodded and slid two fingers into my hot, wet core. Pulling them out , I began to rub my clit repetitively. I felt the heat pool between my legs.

Dante began to stroke his cock , while watching me play with myself.

" Make yourself cum", Dante spoke , driving me to the brink of orgasm.

I pushed my fingers back inside , and began to finger myself at a quicker rhythm. Imagining that it was Dantes tongue , brought me to climax instantly. I felt my body arch in release.

" Fuck", Dante yelled and climbed on top of me. " I need to fuck you , hard and fast", he whispered , entering me roughly.

Hard and fast was exactly what I got.

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