Chapter twenty-two

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I don't know about you but I'm feeling twenty two !!!! Lol. Any who enjoy the chapter.


Amila POV

Our kisses were fighting each other furiously. Neither one of us wanted to submit control over to the other.

My hands tangled in Dante's soft locks of hair. Grabbing two handfuls , I pulled him in so close that we were practically glued to each other.

His hands wandered down the curve of my back to my ass , squeezing it.


How could this man drive me to the brink of a climax with just one kiss?

I leaped so Dante could wrap my legs around his waist. Our lips had yet to part.

He caught me and pushed his hardness into my center.

" Please Dante", I moaned.

" I like when you beg", he responded arrogantly, pushing my back up against a wall.

The friction from our bodies moving together, was unbelievable.

Suddenly I was thrown on the bed.

Like a predator going in for its prey, Dante began to slowly climb on the bed.

Grabbing his face , I pulled him on top of me, forcefully.

" Could you just fuck me already", I asked Dante impatiently.

He smirked and slapped my ass in response.

With my hands locked in his tight grip above my head, I pushed my body against his.

" I'm in charge. I make the decisions. I am the boss, capiche?", Dante whispered into my ear.

Oh fuck. I loved and hated this side of him.

I nodded in response to his question.

When it came to sex , I would always be submissive to Dante.

He was in control.

I watched as he began to pull my panties down my legs, leaving trails of kisses behind.

He spread my legs and fit himself between them. Grinding into me with a wicked rhythm.

I felt pools of heat within my stomach.

" Take off your shorts", I told him.

He grabbed my face and spoke, " You don't tell me what to do ".

" Yes , Dante",I spoke quietly.

He smirked.

" I wish you would listen to me like this outside of the bedroom", he muttered.


I pulled him back down for more of his addicting kisses.

He quickly removed my bra, from my body. His mouth latched on to my hard nipple while he toyed with the other.

I was overwhelmed with ecstasy.

He began to switch sides , alternating between sucking and playing with my breasts.

I almost came when he released my nipple from his mouth with a pop.

He quickly removed his basketball shorts, leaving him completely naked.

His hardness was like an arrow pointing at its next victim.

He settled himself between my legs again and began to push himself inside of me.

Once he was completely inside , he began to pump into me at a steady pace.

I pulled my legs around him allowing him to thrust deeper into my body.

Each push ignited a fire deep within me.

" Harder , Dante", I moaned.

He stopped moving altogether and spoke angrily " What did I tell you? Do I need to punish you , Bella".

If it was anything like his first punishment ,then hell yes, I thought to myself.

I didn't respond to him.

He began to thrust into me harder and harder until I could not take it anymore.

I felt a flood of heat being released from my core.

I screamed, " Dante".

He continued to pound into me as his releases drew near. I felt him swell inside of me and release his seed.

With a groan , Dante collapsed on top of me.


I slept with him again and nothing has gotten solved.

I heard his soft snores in my ear.

I decided at that moment , that I would find Amina, and get some information out of her.

Though first , I would enjoy the feeling of Dante sleeping on me.
_________________________________________- So Wattpad is glitching and removing parts of my story. If you see something wrong or missing ,message me please.

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