Chapter Eleven

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- No one entered the contest ...why ?
- Sorry for being late on my update.

Happy Reading

Mila POV

Pulling on Mr.Bossy's T-shirt, I left what was my sanctuary.

How do I get downstairs again , I asked myself.

Walking down the mazelike hallway , I tried to remember the direction of the stairs.
I managed to end up back at Dante's bedroom.

Getting frustrated, I kicked the door angrily.

Pain shot through my foot.


Limping my way down another hallway , I heard distant voices.

Soon enough after I spotted the spiral staircase.

I descended down it quickly , causing several pairs of eyes to be on me.

Talk about awkward.

Silence filled the room , until Dante's voice filled the room.

" Gentlemen , this is my fiancée Amila", he spoke quickly.

The fuck?

It literally took everything in me not to faint in front of all these handsome men.

I looked to Dante questioningly , but the look he returns was enough to make me shut up.

" Hello gentlemen" , I said quietly.

They nodded in response .

Suddenly I was pulled into Dante's hard chest, hurting my nose in the process.

" Asshole", I murmered into him.

I assumed he had not heard me , but was quickly disillusioned when I felt his hand squeeze my ass.

" Why don't you go make breakfast for all of us , love" , he said smiling at me.

Knowing I was about to flip my shit , he pushed me towards the kitchen area.

That douchebag .

I had so many questions , like why he referred to me as his fiancee? , and why didnt he want me to hear the rest of their conversation.

First, I had to make breakfast.

Deciding on stuffed French toast , sausage , and fruit salad , I immediately went to work cooking.

Once breakfast was ready I made up the dining room table, and placed the food upon it.

Damn. Someone should really wife me, I thought.

Walking back out of the door Dante pushed me in , I informed the men that breakfast was done.

As they followed me into the kitchen , I stopped by the refrigerator to grab the carafe of orange juice.

Once we were done eating , Dante's guests thanked me and left.

I quickly gathered the dishes from the table, putting them in the dishwasher.

Once Dante came back , I was in full blown pissed off mode.

He smirked as he leaned back on the island , watching me throw dishes into the sink.

" Something wrong , love?" , he asked sarcastically.

Instantly I reacted by throwing a glass cup at Dante's head. It hit him just barely in the head and shattered into pieces at his feet.

I watched as anger bloomed within him and he stalked towards me.

Shit. I was in trouble.

Running the opposite way , I dodged the dining room table . There was only one way out of here and it meant getting past him.

Quickly coming up with a plan , I started towards the kitchen door , when Dante kicked a chair in my way.

Tripping over it I rolled to my hands and knees , attempting to crawl quickly to the door. Suddenly my foot was pulled back in the kitchen.


I was pinned under a very angry Dante Capello.

His hands kept my own locked up above my head. My eyes locked with his and our fight was no longer remembered. I moaned as his hard on was pushed directly into my center.

" Please Dante" , I begged .

" Ask and you shall receive", he whispered huskily into my ear.

I was suddenly lifted on to the island , when Dante quickly removed my shirt and threw it to the ground.

His lips suctioned my left nipple while his fingers played with the right, causing me to squirm.

Moaning loudly once more, I unbuttoned his pants . Pulling out his massive cock, I began to give him a hand job.

Needing Dante to be inside of me , I begged him .

Suddenly I was on my back on the floor, and before I could ask him what he was doing , his cock was deep inside of me.

I was pulled back into Dante's web , as he pounded me into orgasm.

Fuck my life.

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