chapter 17

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It been two days in keven house
We are having so  much fun , we go on shopping  and eat out , we tey new thing ,watch movies and also ben show me some new place in town and in the morning we pranked keven because he didn't let sis buy that dress because that was very short so she take muffin and put shaving cream on it and when he was busy in call she offer him that muffin and even after taking one bite he doesn't knew that it was shaving cream he think that cream was expired.
And we also came to know that this bracelet is very rare one and powerful one also and werid thing is that the crack on that bracelet is healed .
Today we are going on tracking  and meet some  people of his town .
They meet and train together and it  was really fun .
But only selected people can go there and all thanx to sis , i can also go there . I had been there before .

But ben told me that they will leave early because they have to see the arrangements and we can join them later but i want to go little bit early because i don't want to mis my favourite part .
So we go there .
And as go there , there was soo many new people there and ben told us that keven already at the location with other and we will take us there after my favourite session .
And then it start ..

Rebecca : pervert .

Mia : what if you don't  enjoy it you can close your eyes .

Ben came from behind and cover my eyes
Ben :  stop eye hawking them .
I remove his hand
Mia : let me see the piece of art in front of me .
Ben : pervert .
Mia : call me that ever you want .
Ben : so that's the reason you wake up so early in morning.
Mia : so what do you think i wale up to exercise , never .
Ben : if your amorousness if you filled then can we go .
Mia : no i want to stay .

Ben : all the soldier  halt ,this session  is completed move to other location.

Mia : i hate u .
Ben : u will get motivation in next location .

As we go to next location in our car .
Mia : aren't they gona come .
Ben : they will .
Mia : i didn't see any other car.
Ben : they are coming through forest  ,it part of there training .
Mia : i mean how.
Ben : they are trained .
As we reach there .
Olivia : so there you are
Mia : hi aunty .
And i hug her
Olivia : hi honey , so good to finally meet you .
Mia : same here .
Olivia : ben told me that you are here ,but he didn't let me mest you .
Ben : mom  i told you that you can meet her but just now.
Mia : how dare you not let her meet me.
Ben : that's not fare 2 vs one .
Mia : you told me she is out of town .
Ben : yep she was , she just came home  yesterday late night.
Olivia: and you didn't let me meet her .
Ben : i lose ,i am sorry .
Peter : how many time i told you ben , you either live happily or win .
Ben : you are right dad .
Peter : how are u honey .
Mia : i am great ,  so howz everything going .
Peter : great .
Ben : i have some work to do you guyz enjoy .

We gossip for some time and then after they leave olivia is a doctor and she was the one who took care of me after the attack 
There is lot of crowd gather around an place and as we move towards that crowd ben suddenly came .
Ben : we need to go.
Rebecca : why what happen .
Ben : i will tell you later .
But then two soldiers stop us
One soldier: it alpha order no one is leaving.
Ben : we are leaving,she doesn't belong here .
Solder: doesn't matter ,she is here now she has to stay .
And then i heard a familiar sound from that crowd.
As i move towards crowd i see kevan was in the centre of crowd and was arguing with someone .
And as i came in the centre i see the person he was arguing with was Christian this means only one thing that he is around .
I can't meet him now and as i turn to leave he was standing at the other side and with her was stella and what was more painful was that stella was hugging him and felt sudden pain in my chest
Mia : ahh .
And as look toward him he was looking toward me and i ignore himand came back  he is here for stella not for me .

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