chapter 19

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And christan asked me .
'Is this the place is the reason  because of which u mis the dinner ' .
I quickly wipe my tear
Mia : what are u doing here .
Christian: i came to check on u.
Mia : check on me .
Christian: what you did was awesome.
Mia : what.
Christian: yep what u did with stella was awesome, so why so...
Mia : so..
Christian: in bad mood .
Mia : i am not .
Christian: yes maybe .
Mia : you shouldn't be here .
Christian: why .
Mia : your friend won't he happy.
Christian: he is neither happy about the way you talk to him .
Mia : Christian...
Christian: mia look i don't know what is the problem but please don't talk to him like that only we know how he control him .
Mia : control him.
Christian: he doesn't want to hurt you and he will never do it .

Mia : and still he does .
Christian: what .
Mia : nothing .
Christian: you don't trust people do you .
Mia : only the one you trust can hurt you .
Christian: only one you love will protect you .
Mia : how to be sure that they will protect me .
Christian: only way is to trust .
Mia : And what if he broke me.
Christian: he can never broke because your pain is his pain.
Mia: i don't even know him .
Christian: is that the word you say to your heart everyday .
Mia : we should go .
As i get up and about to leave
Christian: no one is alive .
Mia : what .
Christian: the person who defy him are all dead .

He kill people

Mia :a...
I am at lose of words

Christian: and you defy him twice in a day , don't trust him mia just stop telling lie to yourself that u don't feel anything.

Mia : i don't.
Christian: you are lying.
Mia : how do you know that .
Christian: because you don't say these words with that much confidence, your eyes say it all .
And i break the eye contact .
Christian: be should get going ,it getting dark .
And he accompany me till we reach kevan home i bid him good night and as i close the door i hear he call someone and tell him that he drop me off home safely.
And i know it's him.
And i went inside my room and lie on my bed and think about all the event that happen today .
And soon sleep take over me .
Loud voice wake me up .
I check the time it's mid night , i quickly went downstairs and there is no one there .
I check the lobby and as i move towards kitchen i see the vase is broken .
And i see a shadow moving and i feel like someone is  behind me as i quickly turn around and punch the person.
Stella : ouch ,fuck what is your problem.
Mia : what are u doing here .
Stella: i don't need your permission to come here .
She said while holding her nose.
Mia : i think someone..
Stella : does your paranormal flakes start again .
Mia : i hope that i punch you harder .
Stella : you bitch .
As she launch on me .
I douche her and takle her and we start to fight .
Stella : did u hear that.
Mia : hear what .
Stella : someone is here .
Mia : now you are being  paranoid.
We get up .
As i start to move towards the noise.
Stella : where are u think you are going.
Mia : to check .
Stella : and to do what after.
Mia : your noise is still bleeding.
Stella : you catch me off guard.
Mia : whatever.
As i move towards the sound stella follow me behind .
As we check the door it was close and all the window are also closed .
We watch from windows to see if there is any outside.
Mia : you still didn't tell me what are u doing here .
I ask her .
Stella : your sister is worried so she ask me to keep an eye on you.
Mia : eye on me .
Stella : yep she had something important  to do .
I grab a cotton from nearby desk and pass her and she wipe the blood from her nose.
Stella: we should inform al..kevan about this.
Mia: in my experience either they will think i am being paranoid or i this is all my hoax so if you want to try you can may be they will listen to you.
Stella : forget it .
Mia : and then a sound came from my room .
Stella : what there.
Mia : my room.
Stella : we should go outside.
Mia : and do what .
She get my point there is alot of possibilities that there is more person outside.

Stella : we need to inform them.
Mia : or maybe check what if there is just sound.
Stella : i can feel that there is a person there.
Mia : how.
Stella : i just can .
Mia : fine .
Stella : we should inform them.
Mia : how there is no signal .
Stella : they said they will be here in few minutes,we need to hide .
We said in union.
Mia: there is no signal , how did you contact them .
Stella: what .
Mia: i checked when i came downstairs.
Stella : still you came downstairs, it can we dangerous.
Mia : atleast now i am not in the room where that person is ,now my turn .
Stella : i just ...

Stella : stay here ,i am going upstairs if i didn't came in few minutes just run .
Mia : but.
Stella: please for once listen to me.
And she go upstairs.
And as she went in my room a bang sound came.
I know something is wrong but i can't leave her here .
I quickly grab a knife from kitchen and a bat , go upstairs.
I see a men tackled stella .
I go there and smash bat on his head .
And he leaves her and move towards me to attack but his eyes was red and teeth was poking outside .
He is a vampire but how ..

Vampire: you smell good.

He try to choke me but i quickly hit him with bat.
Mia: what are you.
Vampire: you didn't need to know .

And he attack me again , stella was too much hurt to attack him he drank her blood . He torn my t shirt and
As he sniff my neck i feel like i am about to puke.

Vampire: your smell is divine .i haven't smell something like you .

As he is about to bite me i stab him with the knife that i hide in my selves.

Vampire: ahh now i will give you slow and painful death.
And i run towards the door but i bump into someone and i know it's him because i feel it , i make eye contact with him his eye they were red and he is angry i can feel it but i wasn't afraid of him i don't know why but he make me feel safe and that vampire try to attack us .
Mia: let's go.
Stella : mr.mikelson help .
But he hold me and didn't move a inch and vampire attack us and i hide my face in his chest .
But nothing happen i didn't feel anything.

Mr.mikelson is holding is throat and he is trying to move from him grip and i make eye contact and he was looking at me . And his eye soften .
Who are u , what are you.

Vampire: please, master forgave me .
And as i turn my face .
He hugs me harder .
And i hide my face in my chest .
And i heard a snap sound i know he kill him .
I know he is dead but am i safe, i hug him harder .
Stella : my king  .
And he snarl .
And i heard rebecca voice .
Kevan : what's going on here .
Rebecca: mia .
I leave him but he didn't.
Christian: bro, leave him.
He snarl.
Christian: please , she is afraid.
And he leave me .
And i leave that room and came into the common washroom.
I wipe my face and wash my face with water and clean my neck .
Rebecca came from behind .
Rebecca: bella.
But i continue to wash my neck .
Rebecca: bella .
She called me many time  but i ignore her and continue my task .
And she touch my arm .
I want shouted but i didn't because i know they will never tell me truth .
Who what person was but no one will tell me .
Rebecca: i know you want ...
Mia: i want to sleep.
Rebecca: mia.
Mia: i am tired.
Rebecca: mia..
Mia: i just want to sleep.
Rebecca :ok , let's go .
And she take me to guest room .
Rebecca: i can stay with...
Mia: i want to be alone .
And i shut the door and lie on my bed and i try to think about what happen today and i hug myself and i cry .
And rebecca  came inside my room and lie down with me and hug me and  i hope that it's him , i want it to be him but it's not him because he is not mine he  , i want to  fight him and  hug him at same time.
I know what is feel may be Christian was right , i am lying to myself but lying is my only option.
i know love hurt .
Loving someone hurts , i see that and i never want to be that person .
Expecting someone to love u hurts more .
And specially when that person belong to someone else .

I cuddle her and went to sleep .
Rebecca : i love u .

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