chapter 15

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Rebecca : what .

Mia : mr.mikelson .

Rebecca : who do you even know this .

I told her everything .

Rebecca : i told you to stay away from him .

Mia : i know ok . It not like i go to him and ask all this.
Rebecca : we need to do something .

Mia : ok,  calm down.
She looked petrified
Rebecca : you don't understand, mia . He will hurt you .

Mia : hurt me why .

Rebecca : he is here to know how much you know and if you know anything .

Mia : and if you know anything then what .

Rebecca : he will kill you .

Mia : why .

Rebecca : i can't tell you .

Mia : so someone is here to kill me and you can't even tell me why ?

Rebecca : i can only tell you this that he is here because what happen with kia and if tell you anything further if will put your life on more risk .

Mia : fine .
Rebecca : we need to do something .

Mia : what .

She said she will dicuss it with kevan really so he can know evy about me but i can't .
He is here to kill me and i was day dreaming about him .stupid hormones

Mom invited kevan and ben to my bday dinner ,

Kevan : happy birthday ,mia .
Mia : thanku
Kevan : this is for you .
Ben : happy birthday ,mia

Mia : thanku .
He also gave me a gift .

Mom : dinner will be ready in few minutes.

Mia : where is jeremy .

Mom : he is with your dad .

Ben : can be go upstairs to talk .

Rebecca : ofcourse let's go to mia room .

He knows .
We reach my room.

Ben : where are they.

I show him .

Ben : these belong to him .

Mia : how do you know that .

Ben : because in whole kingdom , his garden is the only place where these magical flower grow .

Mia : magical 
Ben : i mean , these type you know there name is magical because ..

Mia : stop it , i understand you will not tell me .

Ben : mia .
Mia : and why they are called magical .

Kevan : because they never wilt, they hold power nobody know  and it a promise .
Rebecca : what promise .

Kevan : always and  forever .

Rebecca : what does it mean .

Mia : he will never leave me .

Ben : we need to do something .

Mia : but i get these flower since 12 .

Rebecca : but kia was the one who gave you this flower before .

Kevan : after he die , mr.mikelson start to send these flower to you .

Mia : but why .

Ben : because he want to know that if you really know anything about us .

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