chapter 18

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As i wake up my head is hurting ...
Ahh ....
What happen ....
Then my phone rang ...
I picked up the phone
Mom: hi honey .

Mia : hi mom , gud morning,how are u doing.

Mom: great , and morning ended 3 hour before .

Mia :wait what, what time is it.
Mom: it' s 3pm .
Mia : 3pm.
Mom : did u just wake up.
Mia : yep.
Mom: what! u wake up at 3 pm , are u in your sense .
Mia : yep .
Mom: mia .
Mia : nothing just my head was hurting that's why .
Mom: do you have fever , what did u eat last night .
Mia : nothing mom , i just ...
Mom: u just ...
Then last night memories start to hit , getting drunk , mr.mikelsom ,kiss oh god ...
Then someone knock on the door ...
Mia : yes .
Maid : your sister told me to wake you up and told you to join her in kitchen
Mia : okk , thanku.
She smiled .
Mia : wait is anyone is there .
Maid : what .
Mia : in the house other that me and her .
Maid : no , everyone is gone for meeting.
Mia : ok ,thanku .
And she leave .
Mom: what happen .
Mia : nothing sis is calling me downstairs.
Mom: tell me u had your breakfast.
Mia : hmm.
Mom: are u mad ,do u want to fall ill.
Mia : mom , my metabolism is strong .
Mom: ok ,we will see, bye .
Mia : wait.
Mom: what .
Mia : i love u .
Mom:i love u too ,bye take care .
And then i hung up the phone .

I get up and went downstairs.
And truly their was no one their .
Oh god how am i gone face him . I kissed him , i fucking kissed him .
It was my first kiss and as i recall it , i trace my lips .
Rebecca : what are u doing their .
Mia : nothing , that happen to u .
Rebecca : what u mean .
Mia : u look like a stray cat , meow .
Rebecca : fuck off .
Mia : does you head hurts .
Rebecca : yes , how do you know that .
Mia : because mine does too

Rebecca : ohh .
Mia : life is a pain  .
Rebecca : i don't know why my legs hurts .
Mia : aww plz i don't want to know .
Rebecca : shut up , nothing happen .
Mia : thank god .
Ben : why are u thanking god .
And i froze did they came from meeting
Rebecca : hey ben , u came earlier, did the meeting ends that soon .
Ben : i didn't went their .
Thank god .
Rebecca : why .
Ben : my whole body was hurting.
Rebecca : what happen .
Mia : u are asking this question from wrong person .
Rebecca : why .
Mia : u should ask this question from christian .
Ben : i am not gay .
Mia : i didn't say anything.
Rebecca : now,will anyone spill the tea .
Mia : nothing just ben and Christian..
Ben : shut up mia ...
Mia : what !
Ben : i know what u want to say .

Christian: what going on .
Ben : nothing .
Rebecca : hi , Christian.
Christian: hi, miss roy , hi mia .
Mia : hey .
I smiled does he know what happen , will he tell him .
Christian: so what's happening here .
Rebecca : just mia was telling us ,what happen yesterday at party .
Christian: what really .
Mia : nothing.
Christian: what .
Mia : i remember nothing .
And then kevan and mr.mikelson entre and i make eye contact with him and my heart rate spikes up .
And when i remember last night i kissed him ,my lips touch his lips .
I started to blush .

Christian: are u blushing.
Mia : what ,who .
Christian : you .
Mia :no
Kevan : hello everyone, what going on here .
Rebecca:  hii
She hug him then kiss him .
I cough .
Mia : i need to go .
Mr.mikelson : where .
Mia : hm
Mr.mikelson : where u want to go, miss roy .
Mia : ahh .
Speak something,plz.
Mia : just going to eat a call .

' what ' .

Mia : i mean i am going to make a call ,bye .
Stupid brain .

And i just leave and went outside .
As i peaked through window , Christian and mr.mikelson was having a conversation .
And then he look at my direction and i quickly hide .
It been a whole day and i have been successful in avoiding him .
But i don't know how long i can .
He is been busy that's why it was an easy task but now at dinner how will i avoide him.
And now i am in kitchen convince my sister to skipping the gathering and have private dinner
Mia : plz.
Rebecca : no.
Mia : but .
Rebecca: try to understand ,i can't.
Mia : fine ,then i am not joining .
Rebecca : u have to , now help me and go to the keven office and gave him this file .
Mia : why me not u.
Rebecca : because my head is aching and i am not in mood to have a conversation with him.
Mia : ohh trouble in paradise.
Rebecca : we just have altercation.
Mia : why.
Rebecca : because of last night .
Mia : ohh , i need full report .
Rebecca : first do my work .
Mia : fine .
As i was climbing stairs and walking towards kevan office because it on second floor .
I hear someone shouting ,how did we mis this .
It feel like someone is having altercation.
I stand at the doorway and try to listen .
Kevan : i will not do this ,i can't hurt her , she is my mate
Christian: this is temporary not permanent .
Kevan : but she will get hurt .
Christian: then you only have second option then.
Ben : but her old scar are jet to heals ,we can't give her new one .
Christian: she is the only one who know .
Kevan : isn't there any  other way .
Mr.mikelson : no ,you have only two options.
Ben: but we have to tell her whole story then and she will hate us .
Christian: one day she will know ,you can't hide this from her forever .
Kevan : we can .
Mr.mikelson : no , we can't .
Ben: she will hate us .
Christian: you not us .
Ben : you want this right from the beginning ,why.
Christian: i don't like it.
Ben : she isn't yours.
Christian: neither yours.
Ben : i don't have to explain this to you ,you are no one .
Christian: oh really i don't think so .
Ben : i will not let you have her and hurt her .
Christian:  we will see .

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